Weeks 28-29!
Happy September y'all!!!!! It's me. Still pregnant and growing bigger by the second. Which is great, except that it's still 90 degrees here in Chicago. I would pass on that part if I could. If I had to guess, I bet it goes from 90 degrees to 45 overnight...that would be our luck. Sigh. OH WELL!
We are doing our best to enjoy the rest of this warm (HOT) weather before fall officially lands and it's BABY SEASON. That means plenty of outside time, activities, and play. All good, except my mobility is VERY limited all of the sudden and I'm just not as fun as I used to be. Again, oh well. I'm doing my best!
The house thing is still a TORTURE! Our two-week contingency expired and we had basically zero developments in that timeframe. So we have no contract, but we have stayed on the market, just in case. Lo and behold, we had an open house this past weekend and had a couple LOOOOVE the place (and price, which we were debating lowering AGAIN!) so much that they might make an offer today/tomorrow. We are just not sure yet. So we are waiting, AGAIN. This home would make such a huge difference for us...long story short, we live in a very expensive neighborhood and there are just not many homes in our price range that would also offer the extra space that our growing family really needs. If this falls apart, God has a plan and we will make it work. But if it DOES WORK OUT, this would be HUGE. St. Joseph, PRAY FOR US!
Onto the fun stuff!
Hanging with mama Mary in the garden (hopefully she didn't mind the face grab).
My sweet and cuddly big girl.
Kiki would fit in really well at Burning Man.
Look who got an adorable new hair cut!
Wearing our summer clothes before we can't anymore!
Kiddie pool action!
Whose tummy is bigger?
Popsicle cheers!
Always a hit.
Holding my friend's new baby girl, and loving every second!
My beautiful middle skittle!
Finally got my big camera out this weekend for some pretty pictures!
Sweet sisters.
Our beautiful Mary.
Silly girls.
Pretty Kiki!
Pretty Leenie!
My three favorite ladies!
This kid drives me crazy but I love her so much!
Stroller naps.
Cruising in the Barbie car!
Sweet sister time.
Pretty Maevie.
Love this sweet face.
First ferris wheel ride!
Someone was very excited!
So there you have it! In a season of waiting, in many ways. As I mentioned, physically I am not feeling so hot. But that's life. I probably always feel this way at this point, but it gets a little more painful (with more small children to chase!) each time. Worth it. We are getting SO EXCITED TO MEET YOU, Baby Snug! Soon it will be hard to imagine life without you!
Onto the bump!
28 weeks!
29 weeks! Large and in charge (and swollen!)
How far along? 29 weeks today, THIRD TRIMESTER and feeling it!
Clothing? Still rocking these shorts and tank top combos...soooooo over it. Fall, I am ready for you. But like, a real fall, not 45 degrees. Is that too much to ask?!
Stretch marks? Oh yeah.
Sleep? Starting to have these terrible pulled muscle pains in my lower abs that wake me out of a dead sleep. Also, peeing a lot. Also, waking up at midnight hungry. But with my body pillow and mattress topper, the sleep I do get is actually not bad!
Best moment of this week? This potential house contract would top it all! And, of course, hearing your HB last week was magical, Snug. 142 BPM! Oh, and my house was cleaned today...AMAZING FEELING. We needed it, haha!
Worst moment of this week? Tim is traveling a LOT these next few weeks and we had to say goodbye to him yesterday until Friday. Always hard to have him gone!
Miss anything? 10 weeks until wine.
Movement? Yes, and some of it HURTS/is so hard it feels like my water will break. It's nuts. I know things will slow down soon, so I am savoring it now!!!
Symptoms? SO. MUCH. heart burn, nausea, major back pain if I "overdo it" (i.e. do normal stuff), super sore boobs, sore lower back, and had a weird episode of "floaters" in front of my eyes this weekend that was really awful...I've had these before, and my BP is fine, but it is really yucky and unnerving.
Food cravings? Lemonade (which causes lots of heartburn but oh well).
Gender? Honestly conflicted. Still think it's probably a girl, but not overwhelmed with conviction. No gender dreams yet!
Labor Signs? Nah.
Belly button in or out? Outie.
Wedding rings on or off? Fingers very swollen, but rings still on!
Mood? Stressed over this house stuff. Tired from subpar sleep. Grumpy from not feeling great. But also getting so, so, so excited.
Looking forward to? BEING IN THE SINGLE-DIGIT WEEKS UNTIL BABY SNUG! 30 week appointment next Monday! Possibly buying a new house?! SO MANY THINGS!
Until next time!!!
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