12 months ago

I can't believe I'm here again...God is so, so good. I wasn't sure if I would be able to have another baby after my MS diagnosis two years ago, but He made it happen. Baby #6 is due in early September, and we are absolutely over the moon!

I can't believe I'm almost 13 weeks already! The beginning of this pregnancy has been a whirlwind, complete with whole-family sickness, terrible nausea, and the perpetual ups and downs of having five children--ha! But every second has been worth it.

This was me right after I took my test! Already popping!

Had to see the words to believe it!

My type-A showing!

My first ultrasound--always so incredible!

Celebrated my oldest turning nine!

And my middle skittle turning six!

Seven weeks!

Keeping busy (despite constant nausea)!

My silly big boy!

Ashy eight week selfie!

My Ash Wednesday crew!

Nine weeks! So big already!

Urgent Care (not the first or second time, either!)

Ten weeks!

Eleven weeks!

My poor Bugs sick again. Stomach flu hit us hard!

My 12-week ultrasound--YAY! Baby was wiggling and everything!

Silly crew!

Twelve weeks--still waiting for this nausea to pass!

And now for my FIRST BUMPDATE!

How far along? 12 weeks+4 days!
Clothing? Still in normal tops (for now, though some are already getting short!) and maternity leggings (I miss my jeans!)
Sleep? Pretty solid! Have had two baby episodes of insomnia but thankfully nothing crazy. If anything, EXHAUSTED and still taking occasional daytime naps!
Best moment of this week? Seeing baby on the ultrasound, all wiggly!!!
Worst moment of this week? Parents and husband both out of town...also our beloved 12-passenger van needs some repairs. Oh well.
Miss anything? Not missing alcohol yet...thank you nausea!
Movement? Not yet but AHHHH SOON!
Symptoms? Terrible morning sickness that hasn't fully let up yet, but is at least better. Headaches, fatigue, and had a wild pelvic pressure/pain/cramping around 8 weeks that I swear felt like my whole uterus was about to fall out. Food aversions (coffee) but nothing too crazy yet!
Food cravings? CARBS. SO MANY CARBS. Lemonade. More carbs.
Gender? I think boy! The amount of extra sickness I've had has felt DIFFERENT in the way my anxiety did with Will!
Labor Signs? Nope!
Belly button in or out? Always out.
Wedding rings on or off? On!
Mood? Absolutely thrilled!!!
Looking forward to? Seeing baby again in two weeks!

Tata for now!!!!


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