Weeks 33-35...THE END OF AN ERA

7 months ago

I truly can't believe we're here. I am delivering this baby in FOUR DAYS, more than likely my last baby ever, and I have so many mixed emotions.

On the one hand, I'm relieved. It's obviously been my roughest pregnancy by far, I can't deny that. But I also LOVE being pregnant. I've spent the better part of the last decade growing and nurturing babies and I simply don't know how to let this era go. 

Sigh...there will be many tears, I'm sure. My heart is so, so grateful. Grateful for my body, which has endured so much. Grateful for my support system, which has gone above and beyond for me time and time again. Grateful to God for these blessings. I am SO EXCITED to meet this new little one, but nervous for my c-section, too. Lots of things going on in my heart and mind!!!

We have had a wonderful last few weeks of summer/first few days of school! The kids have gone on so many fun adventures (courtesy of my. amazing mom) and really made the most of their time off. Now they're back in school full-time (sob) and I miss them like crazy. I can't wait to bring this new baby home from the hospital and be together as a family of EIGHT!

Some amazing BPP shots!

Man (or woman?!) in the moon!

33 weeks!

Losing more teeth like crazy over here!

I will miss these moments so much.

Sister sleepover! My heart.

Forts in the nursery.

My cute (sassy) Kiki.

34 weeks!

I have been absolutely exhausted, so I relate to this! Ha!

My crazy Will!

35 weeks! Ahhhhh!

Trying to take a nap!

First day of school! Cue sobs!!!

Getting so big!

First day of first grade!

So glad I get to keep this one home for another year!

My whole world.

Rockstar baby at my last MFM appt!

Went in for an NST because baby got super quiet for a day. Thankfully all good!

Drama king.

Back again yesterday for one more NST which baby passes with flying colors.

Almost 36 weeks...just crazy.

And just like that...wow.

Tim and I will go in Tuesday AM around 6 for an 8 AM c-section, and that's all she wrote. WE CAN'T WAIT TO MEET YOU, LITTLE ONE. We are ready.

Last bumpdate!!!

How far along? 35+1!
Clothing? So limited. So huge. Belly is literally a watermelon!
Sleep? After my steroid shots this week I was up all night with insomnia! Sleep has definitely gotten worse this week in general, a combo of being uncomfortable + nerves I think. But not much I can do about either!
Best moment of this week? Hearing that baby is SEVEN POUNDS according to my last MFM ultrasound! I am so hopeful that our NICU stay will be short and this baby will come out big and healthy!
Worst moment of this week? Stressing about the baby's movement was really unfun. Thankfully everything was fine, and I am so relieved!
Miss anything? I'm ready for a glass of wine! Maybe a margarita! Maybe both!!!
Movement? Movement is much better today/yesterday, thank goodness. Baby must've been in a funny position. Even though I apparently have a high/normal amount of amniotic fluid, it's definitely cramped in there!
Symptoms? Weight gain is up to 42 lbs. and I think that's where we'll stay. I can live with that. Otherwise, bad sleep, supppppper constipated, uptick in contractions, and just, ya know, slow. And big. And massively pregnant.
Food cravings? Honestly not really. My appetite has been whack. Still loving NA beer but ready for the real thing. Hoping for some sushi the night before my c-section!!
Gender? I still think boy, but of course we're STILL not settled on our boy name!
Labor Signs? No, but so many BH's. Have had to break out the Procardia multiple times!
Belly button in or out? Always out.
Wedding rings on or off? On, amazingly!
Mood? Definitely getting hit with pre-surgery nerves. But also just SO EXCITED to meet this baby!!!!


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