Weeks 19-21!

10 months ago

Here we are, halfway through May. Time, slow down!!! We've had an awesome month so far playing outside and soaking up some much needed sunshine. Only a few weeks left of school, and then summer is here! We can't wait!

We had a lovely May crowning with friends!

We've been having lots of fun at the park.

My big girl!

This girl has been making tons of progress with her attitude lately and we're super proud.

Bath time bump!

Hanging with the girl who made me a mama!

Celebrating Leenie's art show!

My adorable book ends!

This girl got a very grown up hair cut!

Poor thing had SIX cavities filled this month! Yikes!

Soaking up some sun.

Cuddling with my baby while he's still the baby!

19 weeks!

Celebrating my sister Claire's bachelorette party!

20 weeks!

Big brother!

This cutie's smile always makes my day!

21 weeks!

An awesome Mother's Day!

And the best news of all--AMAZING ultrasound today, and NO accreta!

Just look at this cutie!

Perfect in every way.

How far along? 20+6!
Clothing? Honestly struggling already. Lots of repeats. Tech today even said "you do look a bit big for your gestational size" today, ha!
Sleep? I keep telling my mom I'm sleeping like a newborn. Multiple naps/week and still going to bed at night like clockwork! SO SO tired!
Best moment of this week? Today's ultrasound was AMAZING! Cried when I saw this little angel's face!!! What a blessing!
Worst moment of this week? Having some nausea return, boooo. But that's life!
Miss anything? Missing my warm weather glass of wine!
Movement? Yes, it's definitely picking up! Some hiccups, too! Baby was wiggling like crazy during the ultrasound today which was so fun to see.
Symptoms? Nauseous. Like, super nauseous. Tired, a bit achy, very sore boobs. Weight gain is a little over where I'm usually at (up like 22 lbs) but hey, that's life!
Food cravings? Honestly not much of anything! My appetite has been very meh!
Gender? I swear I saw boy on the ultrasound today! Ha! But I could also be totally wrong.
Labor Signs? Nope!
Belly button in or out? Always out.
Wedding rings on or off? On!
Mood? So thankful that my placenta looks good, and even more thankful that MFM doc said baby looks "perfect." Feeling SO incredibly blessed!
Looking forward to? OB appt next week, end of school creeping up on us, and more more more baby kicks!!!


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