I can't believe we are most of the way through April! We have had a very busy few weeks around here, including Maeve's epigastric hernia surgery and Kiki's first communion. Everything has gone off without a hitch, for which I am extremely grateful. Beautiful weather has gotten us outside and playing, and it has been so good for our souls. I am ALREADY feeling big, slow, and quite pregnant. But that's life with your sixth baby, I suppose!
I recently made the decision to switch OB's, too. I miss my amazing OB Dr. Caruso so much (he passed away last year) and I tried to give his partner a try, but it wasn't a great fit. I met my new OB for the first time yesterday and she was very sweet, and super knowledgable. I even got to see baby on the big screen, which was so fun! Baby, you were wiggly and jiggly, kicking and moving all around, and it made me so, so happy. And so far (knock on wood) it doesn't look like I have placenta accreta--will find out more in two-ish weeks, but PRAYING this lasts!
This girl is still sleeping on the floor of our bedroom most nights. Hoping this resolves before baby!
My silly baby. |
16 week bump! |
Pregnant sisters! |
Love this silly girl! |
Need to get her into her BED! |
Dining al fresco! |
We call him Baseball Willy! |
My beautiful big girl! |
These two could not be cuter together. Eileen is a natural with him, |
Had a great dinner out with my mom and godmother, Sheila! |
Back to the park! |
Pop helped us with a dentist trip, then bought us ice cream! |
There's not a sport he doesn't love! |
Special time alone with my Will. |
We made an "airplane." |
Preppy guy! |
17 week bump! |
18 week bump! Feeling big!
Maeve was SUCH A CHAMP during her surgery. This was minutes after she came out of the anesthesia! |
And beautiful Kiki on her first communion day!
How far along? 18 weeks! Clothing? Already feel like I have nothing to wear...ahhhh, it's too early for this! Sleep? Have been thankfully sleeping well and not too exhausted during the day! I did have a nap yesterday which was lovely, but mostly surviving without them. Best moment of this week? Seeing baby on the big screen yesterday! Getting Maevie's surgery out of the way! Worst moment of this week? Was very nervous leading up to Maeve's surgery. Luckily she did AMAZING, way better than anyone expected! Miss anything? I'm finally starting to miss wine! Movement? Yes, I am feeling more than I was for sure! I have had some moments this week where I felt like I should be feeling baby more...but seeing baby on the big screen was so reassuring! Symptoms? HUNGRY. Some headaches. But other than that, nothing crazy right now! Food cravings? Sun chips. Lemonade. Ice cream! Gender? Still feeling boy! Labor Signs? Nope! Belly button in or out? Always out. Wedding rings on or off? On! Mood? Feeling okay! Anxious to have this accreta thing figured out, but trying to chill until we know more. Missing writing. But thankful for this special time with my kiddos.
Looking forward to? More kicks! My 20-week level 2 scan!!!
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