
6:32 PM

Guys, I am...absolutely...speechless.

Sorry for the late post...it took literally all day to track down my test result, but here it is: beta is 187, progesterone is TBD (they lost that sample...kewl). Since I'm only on CD28 of a 30-32 day cycle, the doctor says that the number is great.

Selfishly, I still need your prayers, if you don't mind!!!! 

I had a bit of tan/brown-ish CM when wiping this afternoon (SO SORRY for the TMI, I try to be delicate but I'm not sure how else to phrase that) and honestly, it is probably nothing, but emotionally I have been through the ringer this past year when it comes to all things symptom-related. I cannot get my heart rate down. I need to find a way to RELAX and trust that God is with me, right now, right this second. I know it's the truth, I just need to focus on it.

Thank you for your prayers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is an exciting time, and I know I need to rejoice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Any tips on how to relax would be GREATLY appreciated. I'm sorry there is not more to this post, I am just...a mix between shocked, nervous, ecstatic, and straight-up in denial. I can't believe it. It feels surreal, like some sort of joke. But it's not...and I have the test to prove it. 

The same month that I am chosen to receive Adopt-A-Blogger prayers...the same month that I consecrate myself to the Blessed Virgin, ON MOTHER'S DAY...this is not a coincidence.

God is so good.

Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you. You all remain in my prayers, today and every day. This is only the beginning, but what a wonderful beginning it is.

**Update: Got an email from my doctor this morning (5/15)...my progesterone sample turned up after all, turns out the delay was because it had to be diluted. My progesterone is above 500; that's all he told me, no exact figure. For reference, the lowest my progesterone has ever been in early pregnancy was SIX. Holy cow. I'm not sure what to think, but the doctor said it was 'okay' (God bless my doc, but I can never read the tone of his emails...classic over-analyzer!!!). I am on some pretty strong progesterone supplements (lozenges, which seem to be the only form my body really responds to)--I guess they're working. Next betas are on Monday, and if, GOD WILLING, the numbers look good, I will start testing for Anticardolipin Antibodies (I suspect, although I tested negative for the condition, that I have had Anticardolipin Antibody Syndrome OF PREGNANCY in the past--I did not even know that existed, until my GI doctor alerted me to it. Thank God for wonderful doctors). Please continue to pray for me and the peanut, if it is not too much to ask...thank you, sincerely, from the bottom of my heart. I am so humbled by this gift and, well, I just wish I could find the right words to say...


  1. Congratulations! How wonderful! God is good! Praying for you and the little one!!!!

    1. Thank you SO MUCH L, your prayers mean the world to me!!!

  2. What wonderful news!! Praying for you and the baby and especially for peace!!

    1. Thank you so much Ecce, prayers are exactly what we need!!! And peace, I could use some of that!

  3. Praise God! Prayers for you and the baby!

    1. Thank you, Kat! It really means so much to me!

  4. Yeah! Congratulations! That is so exciting!!!! Grow, baby, grow. And your progesterone is a freaking 500..what the what!!!! I didn't even know the charts even when that high. I am currently at 78 and am 26 weeks pregnant and on 3 different medications to try to keep my progesterone up. That 500 sounds AMAZING!!! Keep us posted!!!! So happy for you!

    1. Thank you thank you! I will definitely keep everyone posted!!!

  5. Congratulations !! Keep those numbers up !

  6. Congratulations! Prayers for you and baby! Progesterone of 500 and your doc said it was okay? 500 is amazing! Wow.

    1. Thank you!!! It is crazy high, I am just not sure what to make of it! I will get my second number today...hoping for some more clarity!!!

  7. Congratulations! Praying for you and baby!

  8. Oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh! God is very very good! I am so happy for you! And during your adopt-a-blogger month, too, how wonderful!

    1. Thank you Chella!!! It IS wonderful, and I am certain it is a result of the many prayers said on our behalf :)

  9. Emily, this is wonderful news!! Congratulations! :D May you meet this little one 8 months from now and get to be a Mama to him or her for all the days of his/her earthly life!

    1. Thank you so much Stephanie!!! I am hoping and praying for the same thing...but God's will be done!!!!


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