I can't believe we're already in the double-digits of June. This pregnancy is simultaneously flying by and crawling at the same time! That fact is made more complicated by my new "non-bedrest bedrest," which I am trying (and failing) to get used to.
Last Wednesday I was cleaning up the basement when I felt a small gush. I went to the bathroom and found some blood mixed with my discharge, so my OB sent me to L&D to be checked. They did find a small bleed but didn't seem too concerned, so they sent me home again. My OB told me to be very careful going forward and limit my activity to prevent future bleeding. While I've gotten so many conflicting opinions on whether or not "laying low" will help my chances of preventing future bleeds, I am trying to minimize chaos as much as possible. My mom and Tim have helped me so much, and I am SO GRATEFUL!
I had an MFM scan yesterday which went pretty well, but I'm still feeling very overwhelmed. Baby looks great (measuring in the 67th percentile and super active!) but it looks like I may have developed placenta accreta after all. The doctor will continue to check on it, but it may mean that I need a hysterectomy. Only time will tell and I am trying to give it to God. We also talked about possibly starting an anti-contraction medication as-needed if my Braxton Hicks contractions get too frequent. I am 25 weeks today and desperately want to keep this baby in for as long as possible!
Other than that, we've had a busy few weeks! School is officially out and we are into our summer schedule, which is fun but exhausting. Kiki turned 8, Will turned 3, and I turned 36--AHHHH! But we're having a blast celebrating and enjoying this warm weather while we can, even through the deafening roar of these cicadas!
22 weeks! |
23 weeks! |
We survived Dad's fishing trip--luckily this bedrest thing waited until after that! |
24 weeks! |
The girls set this up for Will's birthday! |
Wearing our matching overalls. |
Biggest/littlest cuddles. |
This girl started camp all by herself and has been such a champ! |
Kiki's birthday on the last day of school! |
Maeve graduated Kindergarten and I am not okay! |
The whole gang!
25 weeks! |
Getting in as many cuddles with these cuties as I can! |
My view from the couch! |
Baby looking great at the scan! |
Out for Indian food for my birthday! |
Hoping we are almost done with these cicadas!
How far along? 25! Clothing? The same handful of dresses! Occasionally shorts. Not much else fits, and it's HOT! Sleep? Not terrible. Not napping anymore, but not super comfortable at night. My belly is heavy and my hips are already getting super sore. At least I AM sleeping, though...I know that's coming to an end! Best moment of this week? MFM ultrasound was so cool! The 3D pictures are just amazing. Baby looks great and that warms my heart so very much. Worst moment of this week? Stress about what's to come. I'm such a planner, so this is torture for me. Trying to give it to God! Miss anything? All of the sudden, I can't taste or smell anything. So, yeah! Missing that! Movement? Movement is probably at its peak right now! Tons of pops, rolls, and wiggles. In fact, I get worried whenever baby is quiet at all, since this baby moves SO MUCH! Symptoms? Weight gain is up to 28 lbs which I guess isn't shocking given how much I've been sitting around. But hey, what can I do? Can't taste or smell and will occasionally have a yucky iron-y taste in my mouth instead. Sore, lots of BH's (especially at night), and some headaches. Food cravings? Last night I was CRAVING cheese fries. They brought the fries but forgot the cheese. Tim bought me new ones and I was SO HAPPY! Gender? See, yesterday I thought I saw GIRL on the ultrasound! But I still have a boy feeling. Labor Signs? No, but lots of BH's which freaks me out a little. Belly button in or out? Always out. Wedding rings on or off? On! Mood? Anxious. There is so much that could happen between now and delivery, and I don't like all of the uncertainty. But also feeling blessed and loved with how much support I've gotten. My family and friends (and sweet kiddos!) are just the best.
Looking forward to? OB appt next week, and getting even closer to these big viability milestones! I will breathe a huge sigh of relief at 32 weeks!!!
xoxo |
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