Weeks 29-32!

8 months ago

I CANNOT BELIEVE how far we've gotten. I went on bedrest 6/5. 6/5, y'all!!!!! And now it's the end of July. I am 32 weeks pregnant on Thursday, and I am so incredibly thrilled that I've made it this far. The end is in sight, which is so bittersweet!

The biggest piece of news is that I survived both huge events we had planned this summer! The first was our annual birthday party for all five kids. We had about 30 guests, two bounce houses, pizza, cupcakes, and so many tiny personalities. Haha! Tim, my siblings, and my parents helped so much, and I barely had to lift a finger. The kids had a blast, and I'm so, so glad they did! And so thankful for everyone that helped!

And, of course, my baby sister Claire got married! That was a very long day for me physically, and I was admittedly not in the best shape...but I survived, and I am so glad I didn't miss it. More importantly, Claire and John had a perfect day. She looked gorgeous, and everything went off without a hitch. YAY for true love!!!

Other than that, we're just plugging along. We're sick (again) which is a drag, but not super shocking. Just some viral thing that feels like a nasty cold, praying it doesn't get into my sinuses. Most of the kids are better, thankfully! And on top of that, I have my third UTI of this pregnancy which is definitely giving me anxiety. I'm on antibiotics again, which I hate, but I don't feel like I have a choice. Even considering all this drama, we are debating whether or not to move my c-section back to 36 weeks (8/29) which would be amazing for baby! I should find out later this week whether or not that's happening!

Onto some cute pics!

Cutie post-bath!

This girl loves to kiss my belly, it's so sweet.

Outside dinners!

Baby looking so grown-up!

Can't believe how big Bug is getting!

Reading in bed with my girls!

A (very large) 29 weeks!

Sunning the bump!

Cuddling with my baby.

Another great growth ultrasound!

I can't wait to get off this couch!

Watching Leenie use her engineering skills!

Pre-my sister's rehearsal dinner!

Leenie Lou!




Handsome Will!

30 weeks!

So many great cuddles!

Flower girls!

Acting silly!

Someone lost her first tooth!

31 weeks!

Hanging out at Urgent Care

Relaxing outside

Check out this belly!


Leenie having fun with her friends at our big party!

Snuck in some cousin time!

Some fun adventures with Nana!

How far along? 31+5!
Clothing? Basically nada. Bought a few new things because I was desperate!
Sleep? Same as before...lots of round ligament pain, sore back, but still sleeping.
Best moment of this week? Nearly making it to the big 32-week mark...huge viability milestone!
Worst moment of this week? This recurrent UTI thing is stressing me out. Had a big break-down in the shower last night but trying to stay positive!
Miss anything? I'm ready for a glass of wine!
Movement? Yes! Still tons of pops and wiggles, but things are definitely getting cramped in there.
Symptoms? Weight gain is up to 39 lbs. Ooooof. Sore, but back is actually feeling a little better this week which is great. Otherwise I'm sick with this virus and having lots of heartburn, cramps, and increased fatigue for sure.
Food cravings? I was craving a slushie this week, and Tim got me a wild cherry one...it was sooo good!
Gender? I still think boy, but of course we're not settled on our boy name!
Labor Signs? Thankfully not, though Braxton Hicks are picking up!
Belly button in or out? Always out.
Wedding rings on or off? On!
Mood? Anxious, and also so bittersweet about this pregnancy drawing to a close. So many feelings, so many tears (happy and sad), so little time.
Looking forward to? MFM tomorrow! Can't wait to see baby!!!


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