Can I Ask A Quick Question?

8:14 AM

I am JUST starting to settle into this pregnancy, and process the idea that we really are having a baby. Sounds silly, I know, but it has taken me awhile to wrap my head around. And now that I'm coming to terms with things, I wanted to float a question out there to mama's/mama's to be/wise women in general...

What books would you recommend reading while pregnant to prepare for the rest of pregnancy/child-birth/child-raising?

Disclaimer: I'm not real hippie-dippie/zen/etc. I actually wish I could be MORE like that, but really, I am more analytic and literal, and find it hard to "visualize/step outside of myself" etc. So books of that nature, while awesome for so many, are probably not a great fit for me.

I would, however, LOVE books that tie my faith into this amazing life-giving/life-nurturing process. In fact, I can think of nothing better!

Also looking for a few recommendations for books that T could read...anything?! He is not a big reader, but has agreed to do a little work for the sake of our peanut/family. Any suggestions that might benefit/enrich the life of a soon-to-be-dad (and his appreciative wife) are more than welcome.

Thank you in advance. This is a wise, helpful, wonderful, faithful, awesome community and I am so grateful for your input.

Have an amazing day!


  1. Ok, so obviously I'm limited in my experience here, but I highly recommend Pregnancy 411 and Baby 411. I read Pregnancy 411 when we started trying and liked it waaaayyy better than What to Expect When You're Expecting. I know Baby 411 is recommended by pediatricians, as I believe it was written by a team of pediatricians. It's definitely something we'll be purchasing when the time comes. :) I also hear The Baby Whipserer is a God-send for helping with sleep! Sorry I don't have any books with faith tied in. But I hope these help!

    1. Thanks so much! Just found used copies of both so I will be adding them to my cart :) Thank you thank you!!!

  2. We swear by The Happiest Baby on the Block. It's a VERY quick and easy read. Definitely skimable with the same take away (for your hubby.) As long as you remember the 5 S's you've got a happy baby for the first 3 months. Worked like a charm. Glad I read it during pregnancy so we could start everything right away in the hospital.

    1. I will definitely pick up a copy of this one! I have heard lots about it :) Thanks for the recommendation!!!

  3. Hi there! Congratulations! Some of the ones I've referenced the most are the the books for the Bradley Method of childbirth. There are a few. My husband red Hisband-Coached Cjildbirth and it helped demystify the birth process, although I will say I hate the "Classic Bradley" position for giving birth! Also good are Breastfeeding and Catholic Motherhood by Sheila Kippley and The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding is good to have on hand for those inevitable nursing questions. Finally, The Portable Pediatrician by Dr. Sears saved me lots of panic. Can't resist giving advice on books!

    1. Hi Mary!! Thanks so much for these recommendations! We've looked into Bradley a bit, but kind of gave up when we realized that we couldn't afford the classes...ha! But maybe I should give it another shot! I definitely should read up on breastfeeding, that's a great idea. I will put these on my list for sure, thank you thank you!

  4. Ack, forgive those typos! I wanted to add that Bradley is more analytical and science-based than a lot of other natural birth methods. No weird breathing or self-hypnosis, pretty much just working with your body and the natural process of birth.


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