Weeks 26-28!

8 months ago

And just like that, it's July. How?!

This pregnancy is simultaneously flying by and crawling. Explain that?! Throughout it all, we are managing to stay busy and enjoy our summer. It has been HOT HOT HOT, but I guess that's not all too crazy for Chicago! We are celebrating all five kids' birthdays Saturday with our annual bounce house party...35 kids, yikes! Saying prayers it all goes well! The countdown to Claire's wedding is also on...three more weeks!

I am still on couch duty, but I haven't had any spotting at all in two weeks...which is awesome. Baby (and my belly) are growing bigger every day, and we are starting to get really excited. C-section is officially scheduled for 8/22, which means that we will have a brand new baby in less than seven weeks! AHHHHH!

My silly girls visiting Aunt Molly's house.

Father's Day celebration!

Dress-up parties!

26 weeks!

Soaking up all the couch cuddles!

27 weeks...feeling SO BIG.

More couch time!

Celebrating Molly's baby shower (from bed, womp womp).

Sister sales in the front yard!

My last Tysabri infusion EVER!

Doctor Will is in the house!

Great scan of baby last week...measuring over 2 lbs already!

Folding laundry with my cuddle bug.


Reading to her little brother!

28 weeks (but measuring 30)!

My boys!

These sister sleepovers warm my heart so much!

Got to have my first summer bonfire with these goofballs this week!

And a special "fancy" dinner that my kiddos set up for me in the basement...never a dull moment!

How far along? 28+1!
Clothing? Truly limited. Even though I'm spending most of my time on the couch, it's still bugging me!
Sleep? Starting to get a little trickier. My back is killing me and I'm having a ton of round ligament pain. Don't forget the constant bathroom trips...ay ay ay.
Best moment of this week? Scheduling baby's birthday...makes everything feel SO REAL!
Worst moment of this week? Still feeling a lot of stress about all of the unknowns. This won't change though, so I have to try and focus on the positive.
Miss anything? I'm ready for a glass of wine!
Movement? Still feeling tons! Though I think it has slowed down maybe just slightly? Either way, I am loving it, and soaking it all in. It's what I miss most when baby arrives.
Symptoms? Weight gain is up to 35 lbs which is just crazy. Feels like a runaway train at this point. But again, I am trying not to dwell on it! My back has been super sore, having RL pain, dizzy, and a little nauseous. GI stuff has been tricky, too, but after my second round of antibiotics I can finally smell and taste again, thank goodness.
Food cravings? Honestly not much! Have been trying to eat as healthy as possible (not that it's making a difference, haha!). I was crazing Coldstone this week but still haven't finished the ice cream I bought days ago...aka, why am I so fat?!
Gender? I had a boy dream this week, so I'm sticking with boy!
Labor Signs? Thankfully not!
Belly button in or out? Always out.
Wedding rings on or off? On!
Mood? Still feeling anxious, but also getting really excited to have a newborn. I can't believe how close we are. It will be here before we know it!
Looking forward to? MFM next week at 29 weeks! 


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