Back again! What a crazy few weeks. The kids were off school on spring break which was lovely, but I wasn't feeling well, which wasn't lovely. Regardless, we managed to squeeze in lots of activities and a super fun Easter, which made everyone's hearts happy!
For some reason my MS symptoms have suddenly kicked up again and have really knocked me on my butt. I'm trying to do what I can and rest when I need to, but it has been a challenge. Coupled with the fact that I got some crazy pregnancy news at my 14 week appt...keeping my stress down has been a challenge!
According to my OB (and then MFM the next day), I have central placenta previa. That means I'm on pelvic rest for the foreseeable future (no lifting, taking it easy, etc.). I am also at a high risk of developing placenta accreta, where the placenta adheres to the scar tissue of my previous c-sections. If this happens, I will likely need a hysterectomy during my c-section to control the bleeding. Baby will also likely need to come early (between 32-35 weeks) which means no family vacation and a very modified summer schedule (hoping to still be able to go to my sister's wedding!). Trying to wrap my head around all of this. Definitely wasn't what I was expecting to hear.
I feel like that's a substantial enough update for now, so I'll let the pictures do the rest of the talking!
13 weeks! |
We definitely stayed up too late over vacation! |
Getting my Tysabri infusion. Was feeling pretty good up until this point. |
Got to visit with an old friend from school which was so nice! |
Went out for boba with my girls! |
3D snaps from my MFM appt!
Hi, buddy! |
Easter morning faces! |
Cuties after Mass!
We'll call this weeks 14-15 since I took it yesterday! Definite bump! |
Annnnnd yes, the little man has begun his potty training journey. Fingers crossed! |
That's it for now! MRI tonight, praying everything looks stable and this is just a blip on the radar. St. Philomena and St. Gerard, pray for us!
How far along? 14 weeks + 6 days!
Clothing? Definitely veering towards maternity tops already! Solidly maternity on the bottom.
Sleep? So-so, definitely tired but I've been so dizzy it's been hard to fall asleep. But I did take a glorious nap yesterday, maybe another today!
Best moment of this week? Getting some incredible 3D shots of baby. Having a WONDERFUL Easter with the crew!
Worst moment of this week? Anxious about all of the health issues happening. Trying to give it to God.
Miss anything? My freedom. I've been so limited this week and it's frustrating already.
Movement? YES! I have definitely felt some flutters etc.!!!
Symptoms? Dizziness, numbness/weakness in my limbs (likely just the MS), fatigue, some cramps/RLP but nothing crazy. Hungry again!
Food cravings? Grapes. Cucumbers. Hummus. Finally some healthy cravings!
Gender? Still saying boy! My genetic tests (which all came out fine) had the sex in there so I had to force myself not to open it!
Labor Signs? Nope!
Belly button in or out? Always out.
Wedding rings on or off? On!
Mood? Honestly a bit stressed! This MRI tonight will really help.
Looking forward to? Warmer weather and some peace of mind.
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