Weeks 24-25!

Hey hey hey! 25 weeks here! Hard to believe that if my pregnancy was money, I'd be a big fat shiny quarter. In this current weather, I feel both fat and shiny, so it seems appropriate...haha! Things are going well over here, but still at my folks' house. Waiiiiiiting and waiting and waiting. We have ONE WEEK left on our contingency and not a lot of action, but we do have a showing with a builder tomorrow who may be interested, so please pray! 

I am TRYING MY HARDEST to squeeze in lots of fun summer stuff while we still can, even though it has been hard to do lately (I just don't move so well these days!). Regardless of what we are doing/not doing, these girls are being great sports, especially through all of this housing chaos (though they do tell me regularly that they miss our house...sob, me too!). We find ways to have fun. That's what counts!

Also had my 24-week appointment this past week, and all was well. Heartbeat was 137 BPM and still measuring a little bit ahead. HECK YEAH FOR VIABILITY!!!!! Especially exciting for me given all that's going on with my friend and  her little guy, who thankfully is doing well these days. Still. It's so comforting to know that you are now big enough to live outside of me, if you had to. But please stay put for awhile, baby Snug!!! Grow grow grow!

Some silly shots of our summer fun!

Ice cream for dinner! Because why not?


This girl loves a good thumbs up!

Reading books on the back porch (wearing crowns, naturally).

My baby brother (okay, he's almost 30!) was in town from LA this past weekend, and we had an awesome time with him! Lots of fam bonding, and girls miss him terribly already.

Family photos were a must, even if we're a bit disorganized...haha.

Poor Maeve is working on some big angry teeth. But I'll take all of those baby cuddles, please and thank you.

My sweet sweet girls.

These two are a little easier to pose than the babies.

Best buds.

My little gardner! Always trying to eat my mom's green tomatoes!

Maevie's first pigtails! Be still my heart! She's SO OLD GUYS.

More ice cream!

Mmmm sprinkles, she takes after mama!

If you're not wearing it you're not doing it right.

Braved the children's museum last week!

Sprinklers in the yard!

Towel gang.

So there you have it! Doing all of the summer things except the actual pool, because, quite frankly, I just don't feel safe taking all three solo. Every time I take them to the regular park, someone gets hurt! Today, we went to a splash pad that just HAPPENED to have a park attached and Maeve got knocked down HARD by a big kid on a swing (total accident, and she's fine, but still!). Geez Louise. An extra set of hands is so valuable these days! Still, we are doing what we can to have a blast! And mostly succeeding!

On to some crazy bump pics because seriously, I have exploded in the last two weeks.

24 weeks! Tell me this does not look like a full term bump. HA.

And 25 weeks. GEEZ SNUG! (Of course I refuse to blame all of the junk food I've been eating...)

How far along? 25 weeks today!
Clothing? Still living out of a suitcase and wearing the same 10ish things on repeat. But that's fine, it's pretty much all of the summer items that still fit anyway! HA!
Stretch marks? Yes.
Sleep? Did get a mattress topper and some new pillows which are living with me at my mom's right now, so that helps a little. But peeing a lot, and waking to a lot of big girl traffic (night terrors, potty breaks, you know the drill). I'll sleep again someday.
Best moment of this week? A great visit with my brother and family, and an awesome 24-week appt.!
Worst moment of this week? General stress over this housing stuff, etc. But all in all nothing major to complain about. 
Miss anything? My own house. A glass of wine. Walking without groaning/breaking a sweat. Ha!
Movement? I'm finally in that sweet spot of feeling movement ALL THE TIME, before baby slows down again towards the end. I love this part. I miss it so much when it's gone.
Symptoms? Sciatic, definite weight gain / big appetite, super sore boobs, sore lower back, poor sleep, poor balance, dizzy/headaches, crazy blood sugar swings, and some random nausea despite the daily Zantac I've been taking.
Food cravings? Ugh just JUNK FOOD. I can't stop. I have been eating horribly and part of it is not being in my own kitchen to cook, the rest is lack of self discipline. But Snug must be going through a growth spurt because I am STARVING ALL THE TIME.
Gender? Probs girl. Getting closer on names!
Labor Signs? No, thankfully!
Belly button in or out? Outie.
Wedding rings on or off? On, but fingers swelling in this heat! Feet too!
Mood? Anxious about housing, but otherwise feeling very lucky and content.
Looking forward to? HOPEFULLY GETTING OUR HOUSE SORTED OUT SOON. PLEASE PRAY. Tim's birthday in a week, and celebrating him! The rest of this glorious summer!

That's all for now. Snug, I love you so much, and I ca

1 comment:

  1. I don't comment every time, but I love reading your weekly updates!!


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