Weeks 17-18!
Merry merry Christmas, and a happy new year! We survived the holidays, and are still here to tell the tale. In fact, we had a blast over Christmas. Gosh, you girls make things SO FUN. Every single moment of the Christmas holiday was made 1,000,000 x's more magical through your eyes. What an absolutely joy and blessing it is to be your mama.
We have somehow been super busy and super not, all at once? Every day feels like a race from start to finish, but compared to our "norm" of trying to leave the house and explore at least once a day, there has not been much going on. We have played in the snow and played with our new toys and played with our sisters...and that's about it. But we are making the best of it! You girls have been great sports, all things considered. I can't wait to tell you all tales about this someday...it has been a heck of a year, and we are A-OK with moving on to 2021.
Baby saying hi to baby!
The girls playing "spies" the other day!
Forest adventures with pop and dad!
Snow girls!
Never too cold.
Planning our snowmen!
Snow baby! She was a big fan!
Snowman #1 of many!
Front yard snowman!
This girl just started potty training! Yay!
New year!! YAY!!!!
Thank God for sisters!
Dressing daddy up in sparkly clothes! This is life as dad of girls!
That's basically life these days! I have my 18-week check-up tomorrow, and I am so excited to hear that little baby heartbeat. I went and saw my endocrinologist yesterday for a check-up, and he put his stethoscope on my belly...he said he could hear you in there, swishing away! In two weeks, I will be having my big 20-week ultrasound at MFM due to being "high risk" (fifth c-section is my only risk factor, thankfully). I am excited but anxious, because my doctor has already prepared me for a lot of "you shouldn't have any more babies" / "you shouldn't even be having THIS baby!" / "too many c-sections" / "here are all of the terrible things that could happen"...talk. I am also aware that with these high-tech ultrasounds, you can see A LOT MORE detail which is great but potentially terrifying. I don't want to know that there's a spot on baby's liver and then worry about it for the next 20 weeks and have it be absolutely nothing, etc. BUT! Giving all of this to God and trying not to worry, because what's the point, really?
So, without further ado, let's get into some bump stuff!
And growing, every day!
How far along? 18w on the nose!
Clothing? A few times this week, Eileen has told me that my "shirt doesn't really fit." Might be moving towards maternity top territory!!!
Sleep? Exhausted this week, back to waking up early. Just ordered a weighted blanket and hoping that, if nothing else, it helps me fall asleep faster. Sometimes it takes me an hour+ to fall asleep, which is such a waste of time!!!
Best moment of this week? Getting back into the swing of our routine is oddly comforting to me, I am totally a creature of habit!
Worst moment of this week? A few people I know have had some health issues this week, so praying for them! Otherwise all good.
Miss anything? Wine :)
Movement? I feel like I am way off pace here! Usually I am feeling a ton of movement at this point, and which I am feeling some, it is not much compared to what I've experienced. I think it's either got to do with baby's position, or the fact that I NEVER sit down anymore. Either way, I am excited for MORE!
Symptoms? Nauseous / GI stuff, round ligament pain, back pain... could barely walk after doing some very light organizing of girls' clothes yesterday! Yeesh! Still some anxiety, but better than before. Also CRAZY vivid dreams and lots of trips to pee.
Food cravings? I have been baking obsessed since Christmas, and eating everything I make. Which is I guess why I've gained like 3+ lbs. this week. Cool.
Gender? I might still have to guess boy.
Labor Signs? Nope!
Belly button in or out? That charming innie/outie that comes with many c-sections and a stretched out belly.
Wedding rings on or off? On!
Mood? Although we are sad to be past the holidays, it all brings us closer to baby! Plus Leenie and Maeve's birthdays coming up, yay!
Looking forward to? 18-week appt. tomorrow! My girls' birthdays!!!
That's all I've got!!! xoxo
Enjoy the updates !! Grow Baby Grow !