Weeks 36-37!

WE ARE HOME. And, oh man, what a journey it has been. Moved all day Thursday. Two closings Friday, moved for the rest of the day. Our buy closing was a big mess because our seller didn't complete a repair she was supposed to have done, so we sat and sat and finally she basically told us that she wasn't going to complete it to our satisfaction, so we had to just deal with it. Then, she left the house full of random stuff and garbage, so that was a HUGE inconvenience (not to mention cost) to remove. But Friday came and went, and Tim was unpacking/moving in (with the help of my mom), and all was good.

Then, Saturday night, we had a crazy every-100-years type of rain. Girls and I were sleeping at my mom's house, and we all went to bed early. And yes, you guessed it, I wake up in the morning to hear about the MASSIVE FLOOD that happened at my new house the night before.

We are talking 2-3 inches of standing water in our BASEMENT FAMILY ROOM, in addition to water in our sub basement, where basically all of our belongings were being kept. My parents and one of our neighbors were there until about 2 AM bailing water out, but our lovely basement floors were COMPLETELY RUINED.

Cue sobs.

Turns out, the seller (who is a nice woman but has been through a lot of personal tragedy in the past few years including losing a husband and son) had completely neglected her gutters and let her downspouts come apart, in addition to leaving her window wells uncovered and clogged with leaves. That, combined with the horrible rain we had, led to the flooding. HER FAULT, ultimately our problem. $4k in replacement flooring.

Then, the next day, it snowed. And the melting snow caused MORE FLOODING IN OUR SUB BASEMENT. Our contractor friend came out, tore up the drywall, and found some foundation cracks that a) our inspector should have seen and b) were likely undisclosed by our seller. So now, we need to decide whether or not to take legal action. Drywall replacement / crack repairs will be around $2,500k. AIN'T NOBODY GOT TIME (or money) FOR THIS. 

Of course, before all of this, we had decided to use some of the profit from our sale to spruce up our new home, so we painted almost all of it including our kitchen cabinets and sub basement! It looks great, but now we are just bleeding money. Oh, and we're having a baby in TEN DAYS. Not stressful at all.

Okay, but, all things considered, this could have been way way worse and I know that. Everyone is healthy, we didn't lose all of our belongings, and the repairs are under way. I am trying to stay tunnel-vision-focused on baby now, since we are under the two week mark. And so, here are some pics of our adventure thus far, so that I can completely move on to baby focus!

Cupcake date with my baby (who will not be the baby so soon)!

Ate pizza on the floor, something we have been talking about with the girls as a fun "new house" activity for months! Big hit (and big mess)!

Girls enjoying their new table set-up.

My charming husband, after sleeping on the couch for many days (oh yeah, BTW, we ordered a king bed about two weeks ago and it has gotten lost in transit three times. So we still have no bed to sleep on. So, cool.)

Wheeling around Floors n' Decor (picking out replacement flooring for the sub basement) in a wheelchair because my back was so bad I literally couldn't walk anymore.

My cutie, eating breakfast with a sea of unpacked boxes.

Halloween! My big girl dressed as Raggedy Anne (something I also went as at her age...new dress, same wig! HAHA!)

My beautiful Tinker Bell (had to get creative with sweaters etc. under costumes because IT SNOWED HERE AND IT WAS SUCH A BUMMER).

So excited.

Baby cow.

These are the moments that make this new house so worth it.

This is what it looked like when we were all staying at my mom's (my poor mom).
Got to watch my big girl present the "book" that she wrote at one of her classes. Proud mama here. 

This is what living through cabinet painting (in the midst of flood repair) looked like. It's better now; will post a "done" pics when I have one!

SO, yeah. Stay tuned. All good, but not the least stressful two weeks I've ever had. In happier news, baby is doing great and growing / moving / shaking! My stomach has definitely dropped, which has helped my hip/back pain so much. I'm still not "comfortable" by any stretch, but it's easier to move (for short periods of time, at least), so I'll take it. At today's appointment, baby's head was low and I am soft, but not dilated yet. I have ONE APPOINTMENT LEFT and then I deliver a little early at 38&3. CAN YOU BELIEVE THIS HOUSE IS ABOUT TO BE HOLI PARTY OF SIX!?!?!?! I CAN'T!!!

Here are some outrageous bump pics from my new house!

36 weeks. My bathroom was a mess and I was a mess and I just wanted to document the moment.

And today at 37 weeks. I feel like you can really tell that my stomach dropped. Side note, I went to use the downstairs shower for the first time two nights ago and the shower head fell off its holder and scraped the heck out of my stomach. It was terrifying! Thankfully baby is fine but I have a huge red cut/bruise right down the center of my belly. I'm telling you, it has been NON-STOP LATELY. But here we are. ALMOST AT THE END!

How far along? 37 weeks today!
Clothing? I have 4-5 shirts, 2-3 pairs of leggings, and that's all she wrote.
Stretch marks? Yes, and this charming new gash, too!
Sleep? Um, awful. I am sleeping on a mattress on the floor. I feel like a pregnant hobo.
Best moment of this week? HEARING THAT HEARTBEAT, SNUG. And every sweet moment I have with my family, despite all of this silly drama.
Worst moment of this week? Scroll up. All of it. 
Miss anything? My bed. My mobility. My belief that bad luck is not following me everywhere I go? This too shall pass!
Movement? Yes, not a ton, but what I do feel shifts my whole belly from side to side. It's the craziest and so so awesome. I know I will miss it so much!
Symptoms? Nausea after I eat is back with a vengeance. Hard kicks, Braxton Hicks. Some back pain. Dizzy. Peeing constantly. Feeling READY.
Food cravings? I go back and forth between not eating enough and eating too much. Doing okay on weight though (knock on wood). Only 10 days to go so hopefully I don't gain a pound/day! HA.
Gender? Meh, I am back to feeling girl. Honestly, I really don't know!
Labor Signs? Not officially, but body is gearing up.
Belly button in or out? Outie.
Wedding rings on or off? Fingers very swollen, but rings still on!
Mood? Stressed, and honestly, overwhelmed, but getting SO SO SO EXCITED FOR BABY.
Looking forward to? BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Prob one more post?! And that's it! Until then!!!!

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