Here we are. (Nearly) 38 weeks, and just four short days away from c-section number four and BABY SNUG'S BIRTHDAY. If we're being honest, there is a combination of fear/excitement/anxiety/general adrenaline happening around here. But the primary emotion is HAPPINESS because I am sooooo excited to meet you, little one! And your sisters and dad are about as excited as I am!!!!

This little one is going to miss my big belly. She is so sweet, always kissing and patting it. And yes, that is the residual mark from my shower head accident. OUCH.

This baby has no idea what's coming to her! But she does LOVE babies and so, I am confident that she will be excited (at least until she figures out that she is being bumped from "baby" status herself)!
She has also been super crabby lately and, I'm convinced, working on those two year molars. I am hoping and praying that everyone is good for daddy this week, otherwise it will be much harder for me to talk him into more babies in the future!

Kiki, we went to the store today and picked out a small "baby week" present to keep you occupied while mommy is gone...and to make you feel loved, which is priority #1. You picked out these horses, and you are in HEAVEN. It makes my heart so happy.

And, of course, my budding artist! I am so proud of how different and special you all are. 

Slowly but surely, we are making progress on the house. The basement flooring, painting, TV mounting, and mantel installation are DONE. I wish everything was perfect and decorated already, but I have to accept that that will take time...not easy for me, but I'm trying!

And so, there you have it! I am so, so, so proud of my sweet girls for how wonderful they have been throughout this whole pregnancy. Of course, we had our share of tough moments (many of which occurred in the last two weeks during moving hell!), but through it all the sweet has outweighed the sour. And I expect that will continue...hopefully forever? Imagine how much SWEETER life will be with another little one to love...only four more sleeps! I CAN HARDLY WAIT!!!

One last final bump pic! 

Can't get much bigger! I get pity stares everywhere I go!!!

How far along? 38 weeks tomorrow!
Clothing? Pretty pitiful.
Stretch marks? Yes, but gash is healing nicely!
Sleep? My bed finally came...yesssss! Still not sleeping great, but that's because of pregnancy, and no longer exacerbated by sleeping on the floor. Also, decorating decisions are LITERALLY KEEPING ME UP AT NIGHT. It's insane.
Best moment of this week? Making so much progress on the house! Spending these last precious days as a family of five! A little bit of precious extra sleep this weekend!!!
Worst moment of this week? Honestly, this week has been so much better than last. It just goes to show that every phase of life is just a season. Speaking of seasons, I could live without this early heavy snow...
Miss anything? The warm weather. I know, I know, I complained about the heat. But we have 3+ inches of snow here and it's not even mid November. We can't win!
Movement? Definitely slowed, but the kicks and rolls are hard and change the whole shape of my belly. It's awesome. I miss it already.
Symptoms? Lots of Braxton Hicks at night. Back pain and hip pain are back. Pregnancy mask is out of control, I look like a leopard without make up on! Tired, bloated, etc. But no big deal because we are ALMOST THERE!!!
Food cravings? As usual, Tim is buying me too much junk food. I think I will end up around my current weight unless I really fall off the rails...and I'm okay with where I am today. So, fingers crossed??!?!
Gender? Boy??! I think I will go in guessing boy. Not because I have a strong feeling, but just to shake things up!
Labor Signs? Not officially, but body is gearing up.
Belly button in or out? Outie.
Wedding rings on or off? Fingers very swollen, but rings still on!
Looking forward to? Last OB appt. tomorrow, so curious if I am dilated at all. Probably not. REGARDLESS, ONLY FOUR MORE SLEEPS UNTIL BABY!!!!!!!!!!!

Snug, I am so excited to meet you. My heart is so full already, and on Friday, it just might burst.

Until then!!!!!!!

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