Weeks 34-35!

HI! So much going on! Let's jump right in.

We are almost completely packed. SO MANY WEIRD/MIXED EMOTIONS ABOUT THIS. On the one hand, I brought all three of my babies home to this house and expected to bring Snug home here, too. On the other hand, I am so so so excited for our NEW HOUSE and more space for more babies. On the other OTHER hand, we now need to get through the actual move/unpacking/settling in/oh yeah, actually HAVING the baby. On the other other OTHER hand, it's all awesome and exciting stuff and we are so ready. So yeah. I'm somewhere in the middle of all of those...hands? HA!

Beyond packing, we are mostly just waiting. Which sounds cool, except we are waiting in a mostly empty house, which is proving a bit challenging. Not enough toys to keep kids occupied. Not enough food to put together real/nutritious meals. That sort of thing. But we are making due, and treasuring these last few days. Girls and I move out THURSDAY AFTERNOON. Woah woah woah.

In Snug land, I am 35 weeks today and had my 35-week check up yesterday. Was supposed to test for Group B strep but we all forgot. Oops. I'm sure I have it, I always have. Will test next week. HB was 142 BPM and baby is still transverse, which HURTS. But we still have time for baby to flip, and if baby doesn't flip, bay comes out the sun roof anyway. Just makes it difficult to get around in the interim, but oh well. Is it ever easy at this point?

Enjoying one of our last baths in our (trashed) family bathroom.

Me and my two babies.

Three daddy's girls right here.

An adventure in town, likely one of our last before I lose all mobility, haha (but really).

My little (big!) tree hugger!

Obligatory pumpkin carving!

The master at work.

Posing with "Jack"!

The last three OB appts. I've gone to have been me and ALL THREE of the girls solo. Challenging, but an adventure!


Tim had his last mini-business trip this week before baby...lots of girl time, but we are glad to have him home!

This will be their first album cover.

"Packing, Pt. 2" (aka why I can never get anything done).

Kiki and Leenie started a mini preschool this week. Leenie has gone before, but this was Kiki's first "anything" away from mommy! She did great! I only cried for a minute.

Kiki and I took a special 4-week Saturday music class, which just wrapped this weekend. We always went for donuts after. Loved my special mommy Kiki time.

Way cooler than me.

These two are so adorable together. Melts my heart.

Went to the grand opening of my mom's new real estate office and got some pretty legit face painting done!

Likely our last family photo in front of our home! SOB!

So that's that! Like I said, the girls and I move out on Thursday while Tim packs and gets everything loaded into the moving van. He will sleep in our empty house Thursday night and drive the van to our new place Friday AM. We have a 9 AM closing on our old house, a noon walk through, and a 1 PM closing on our new house, all Friday. Girls and I will likely stay with my parents for a few days while things get unpacked/put away/we might possibly have some painting done, too. Hoping to be somewhat settled by Halloween? Wishful thinking?!?!? You tell me!!!

One of my best friends, who is only two weeks ahead of me in her pregnancy (her first), was induced last night because her baby was showing some possible growth restrictions / placental failure. She is still in labor and will deliver at some point today. Please pray for her! Along with this being stressful, although I'm sure everything will be totally fine, it has always been nutso because it basically reaffirmed that my baby could come even sooner than planned. Because this is my fourth, and will be my fourth c-section, I don't want to go into labor on my own...but still, not impossible. So, if you would spare a prayer for me and my nerves (obv most especially the safety of my baby), I sure would appreciate it. Like always, and in all things, Jesus we trust in You.

Check out this bump!

34 weeks pregnant. No, I have not cleaned my mirror. No, I don't plan to.

Ready to pop. 35 weeks!

How far along? 35 weeks today!
Clothing? Everything is packed. Only about 4/5 things fit. Leggings all day every day. We call this "the end of the road."
Stretch marks? Yessssss.
Sleep? Really not good this week. Waking up constantly with contractions/to pee/all of the things. Can't even claim to be EXHAUSTED, really, I just know that this is how it goes. 
Best moment of this week? Snug, your little HB never gets old! We are also CLOSING ON OUR NEW HOUSE AND MOVING IN and that's hard to beat!!!
Worst moment of this week? Physical collapse and all that comes with it. I can't believe I have three more weeks, ha!
Miss anything? Hello wine, I see you on the not so distant horizon :)
Movement? Yes, hard and fast. Whenever baby stretches, contractions start. Hurts, but also love it?!
Symptoms? Body is wrecked, especially my back. Super short of breath. Nausea/indigestion is back, and have to sleep propped up so I don't feel sick. Hard/sore kicks. So many contractions. Basically all of the symptoms.
Food cravings? I was actually doing great on my weight but then gained two pounds this week. I have been CHUGGING root beer lately. In general, super super thirsty so, I guess liquid cravings?
Gender? I had a very very vivid boy dream. And for some reason, all of the sudden I am feeling BOY!!!! (but totally okay to be wrong, too!)
Labor Signs? Have not been checked yet. Probably not. But so many contractions, day and night.
Belly button in or out? Outie.
Wedding rings on or off? Fingers very swollen, but rings still on!
Mood? Oh, my sweet girls, I have tons of mom guilt for how short I have been. But girls know something is up (many things are up, I guess!) and have been acting out, too. It's been a combo of them acting silly and me being super short of patience. Regardless, life is good, this is just a tricky week!
Looking forward to? MY NEW HOUSE! MY NEW BABY!!!!!!!!!

That's all for now...wish us luck!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hahaha, baby coming out the sun roof. That's clever. You crack me up! :P I hope the closing and move went/are going SO WELL! Prayers that baby comes on time and not a day sooner!


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