Weeks 32-33!

Hey hey hey!!! 33 weeks y'all! Hard to believe we are a little over five weeks away from meeting you, Snug. And before that, we move out of the home where all of my babies were born. Sigh. Bittersweet! Mostly sweet (way more space, which we need!!!) but a hormonal mama can't help but get a little sentimental, right?! 

I think we are finally finally in the midst of real fall! Temps have been in the 50s/60s which is actually so refreshing. I have resigned myself to the fact that I will be in leggings every day from here on out, because everything else is actually painful. Seriously, what did we do before leggings were in style?

We have had a busy few weeks! We are frantically packing, of course, and that takes up a lot of our time. My wonderful husband whom I love dearly has decided NOT to hire a moving company, even though I am 8+ months pregnant and he had hernia surgery earlier this year. I have begged and begged but he doesn't see a reason to pay people to do "what he can do himself." Oh, and he also told me that movers are for rich people. SIGHHHH please pray for us because I literally cannot help at all and with two closings on one day, it will be a CRAZY CRAZY DAY! 

Because the house we are moving to is thankfully BIGGER, we do have quite a bit of furniture shopping to do as well. Which is fun, but kind of overwhelming. So I have been going room by room, making "dream" boards for each one and deciding what we can do now/what we will do later. Oh, and we are also hoping to paint the week we move in (/the week before baby) to knock that out before we unpack everything. So yeah. Lots going on!

Other than that, things are good! I have been a real loser mom lately and am in so much pain on a regular basis that I really am not good for much, but my sweet girls are being great sports. Eileen and Kiki start "preschool" (a few hours a week) next week (first time for Kiki!!!!) and I think they will really enjoy the break from boring mom! Please also pray that Kiki, newly potty trained and still a bit shaky, can make it through the program without getting kicked out! AHHHH!

A few shots from our week(s)!

Furniture shopping with these goofballs.

A special ice cream date with my big girl. She learned her "Memorare" prayer and I am so so proud of her!

Finally warming up (a little aggressively) to "baby."

Putting up our "under contract" sign!!!

Casual face mask. (!!!)

Taking some weird naps.

Getting some more chalk time in while we still can!

My little artists.

Guess who else learned her "Memorare"! (Also, don't you dig the tutu/pajama combo?!)

Some special time on Saturday morning with my middle skittle.

We managed to sneak in some pumpkin patch fun!


This girl loves hot dogs (must be "Chicago style").

I took Eileen to her first concert the other night with my mom and sisters! It was a blast!

Next time I update, we will be DAYS AWAY FROM OUR MOVE. Any prayers you can spare are much appreciated. A new baby, a new season of life, so many changes and so many blessings. We. are. READY!!!

And check out this bump!

32 weeks (love how my sweater makes it look like I have an extra fat roll...as if I need another one at this point!)

...and 33 weeks. I know, I need to clean my mirror. I have pretty much given up on all cleaning at this point, so bear with me!

How far along? 33 weeks!!!!!
Clothing? SO GLAD to be moving into fall wear, finally! Although all of my clothes except like 4-5 outfits are packed for the move, so, not being super creative.
Stretch marks? Yes.
Sleep? Not great. Technically logging the hours I need, but waking up constantly to pee and just generally uncomfortable all night long. Can't believe I have five more weeks of crappy sleep ahead! Oy!
Best moment of this week? So much! Getting ready for this move is so exciting! Hearing baby at 32 weeks, HB 129 which is lower than usual but doc wasn't worried so I guess I won't be either. Spending so much quality time with my fam. Feeling very lucky.
Worst moment of this week? Honestly, I am physically falling apart. I can barely walk. I am in so much pain all day long that the logistics of daily life with 3 kids is becoming a real challenge. But I know this is temporary. And as crazy as it is, I know I will actually miss it!
Miss anything? 5+ weeks until wine. 
Movement? Yes, though it is slowing down a little. To be expected. Still love every kick and wiggle, even though some of them really do hurt these days ha!
Symptoms? Muscles/joints (especially hips/back) are completely wrecked. Super short of breath, especially while walking (even just around the house). Hard/sore kicks. Tooooons of Braxton Hicks. Crazy heartburn and nausea too. I think this is the worst I've ever felt at this point. Maybe you're a boy?!
Food cravings? Just devoured a "kitchen sink" cookie from Panera which is literally like 800+ calories. Worth it. In general, I have been eating my weight in fruit snacks which needs to stop. But I can't stop!!!
Gender? Two people told me "boy" this week. Suspense is real!!!!
Labor Signs? Nope, but so so so many BH's!
Belly button in or out? Outie.
Wedding rings on or off? Fingers very swollen, but rings still on!
Mood? Not gonna lie, being so physically limited does not bring out my best self. I have had less than stellar patience and I have been a little grumpier than usual. But at the end of the day, I lie in bed and feel so lucky. So there's that. There's always that!
Looking forward to? My 34- week appointment, almost at every-week status! Growth ultrasound at 36 weeks! Moving! Halloween! BABY!!!!!!!!!

That's all, friends!

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