Mamas...need your help/perspective, please!

2:44 PM
I will keep this short and sweet:

We are in the process of buying the last few things we need off of our baby registry, and I want to poll the mamas out there about a few items:

-"Swaddle blankets," specifically Aden+Anais...worth it? Or can we swaddle with the other random blankets we've been given?
-Cloth diaper it worth it to buy the diaper sprayer now, or wait until the babe is on solids and then see if we think we need it?
-Nicer camera? We have a run of the mill digital that is nothing special, will we use/appreciate a nicer  more HD camera for pics of our little one?
-On that same note, video camera? Is it worth buying?! Do you use yours? Or is it worth getting a nicer camera that can also do video?
-Video baby monitors...have any of you used them? These seem awesome to me, but the baby's room is right next to our bedroom and I'm wondering if we will feel like we need it?
-Buy the double stroller now, or wait until kiddo #2 comes along (God-willing)?!

Be honest!!! Thank you so much in advance for your help!


  1. The Aden+Anais are fabulous. That being said you can also swaddle with anything. But these are bigger and stretchy so they stay. Plus breathable. My kids tend to overheat easily so I like that. (SwaddleMes and such are great too imo)

    I LOVE the video monitor. It gives me such a peace of mind, It's been helpful since Christopher was little. When he'd nap and I'd do things it's easy to check on him. As he grew it became more necessary. Sometimes you can't tell by the cry if they need you completely but you can watch them just lay back down and be fine without a parent going in. Even now, Meredith is still in our room and the video monitor is with him. It's handy to see if he's still in the big boy bed, and when he gets out, if he's just playing in his room or getting a book and going back to bed. Handy little device.

    We have a nice camera and love it but the only videos are on my phone. That being said, any nice equipment pays for itself if you use it. Are you a video kind of mom or camera happy? Or are you more "grab the camera for only the important days" kind.

    We didn't buy a double stroller and we have no plans to. Christopher can walk or ride in his wagon if we need the stroller. OR I can babywear Meredith and he can ride in the stroller.

    1. This is SO helpful, thank you Madeline!!! I will definitely be taking these suggestions into consideration (and using them for ammo, especially in the video monitor department! I really want one!).

  2. My 2 cents. there are a couple of brands of strollers, that have attachments that you can purchase an add on seat, or a standing platform,god willing you need one in the future. We have a monitor, for our little to be, our room is next to his, but for naps during the day, we don't have to hover around his room. Good Luck !! Sounds like you got most everything you wanted at your showers.

    1. Thank you Lucky!! This is super helpful. We were lucky to receive almost everything, just have a few more items to gather before the big day!

  3. Swaddle blankets are great. I want want a diaper sprayer, but it means needing a place for dirty diapers in the bathroom as well as where you usually change baby. Think about it... Waterlogged diapers aren't getting wrung out and taken back to the nursery! The only camera we have is the iPhone, so I'm no help there. Double stroller... Forget it. You'll still use the single even when you do have two kids anyway.

    1. Really helpful tips, thanks. I am a big Iphone picture taker too, I'm just wondering if I will want higher quality shots when we have a little star in our midst...ha!

  4. Well, I'm staring to answer the questions and realizing what a basic, bare-bones sort of Mama I am.
    Never had a swaddle blanket. We swaddle with flannel receiving blankets.
    Cloth diapering almost 6 years and through 5 kids-no sprayer ever. Though I just figured out that, at our new house, I can reach the toilet with the shower hose, so now I guess I do have a diaper sprayer. It's nice. I don't spray diapers until the baby starts solids.
    Camera? We have an 8 year old point and shoot and an iPhone. Can't help you there either. But I do think that, if you don't learn how to use a nice camera well, it won't help that much.
    No video baby monitor, either, but they seem like a nice idea. Especially because the more kids I have, the harder it is to find a quiet place for the baby to sleep that is also convenient for me to peek at.
    Some people love double strollers and some hate them. I have twins with one umbrella stroller. We have survived 14 months so far without a problem. :)

    1. Thank you so much Emily! I appreciate this advice so much. Would you mind if I reached out to you for some cloth diapering tips? I'm a little nervous about getting started, and I've read so many blogs about it but I KNOW I will have questions...I hope I can cloth diaper through 5 kids and beyond, God-willing! Ha! PS Nothing wrong with being basic or bare bones, you obviously know what you're doing!! :)

    2. You're welcome. I always want to tell new moms (truth is, I'm a far more opinionated person on the inside than I show) that it's all going to be okay, just calm down. Chill out. All that baby *really* needs is you, and warm clothes. Well, the carseat is kind of essential too because it makes you nice and legal. :) But seriously, you are all the food and love your baby needs and as long as you keep him warm and comfy and diapered up, all that extra stuff is nice, but if you don't have it you're both going to be okay. Think of what mamas in third world countries and in simpler past times had. Not much at all.
      I'm still learning as I go with cloth diapering-I'm sure I'll never stop. I am happy to try to answer any questions you have, though.
      Mary is a good resource, too. She connects with a lot of cding mamas.


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