36 Weeks and CHRISTMAS EVE!
**This is a pregnancy-related post, so please feel free to skip this post if you're not up for it. God bless.**
HELLO, and Merry Christmas Eve! Not only is today the day before our Lord and Savior was born of a virgin and entered into this world in the flesh, the day of all days!, but it also happens to be the day that I find myself 36 WEEKS PREGNANT with my own sweet baby.
It really is a magical thing to be pregnant during Advent. Not only was Mary also pregnant during this time, but with my own pregnancy I find myself thinking more and more about the fact that Jesus chose to enter this world as a sweet, precious, innocent child. Beautiful and perfect, but so physically vulnerable in His infancy. And yet, even as an infant, His power was immediately evident. From the moment he entered the world, He reigned over every heart and soul with love and compassion. A baby! And at the same time, King of Kings, Lord of Lords. A truly miraculous event!
Although my child will not be perfect, nor will she be a king or Lord, she will be perfect in my eyes and surely rule my heart. Many hearts, I'm sure. Such a small and vulnerable person, but such an immense effect on my life. We are so richly blessed.
In other non-holiday news!
This past weekend was my FINAL baby shower, and it was absolutely lovely! Two of my aunts were gracious enough to host, and they chose a local restaurant where I also happened to waitress for almost 2 years! In fact, it is the same restaurant I was working at when T and I first met. When I went to use the restroom in the middle of the afternoon, it suddenly struck me--I used to sneak into the restroom in the middle of my shift all the time to check my cell phone and see if T had texted me that night! And there I was, in the same restaurant, a mere weeks from having his baby. Life has truly come full-circle! (Can you tell I'm chock full of late-pregnancy hormones?!?!?)
A small group of aunts, cousins, sisters, other relatives, and a few close friends were able to attend, and I was so glad to have the chance to spend time with them all. We munched on pizza, salad, delicious pasta, and raspberry cake (per my special request), and just relaxed and chatted! It was truly perfect. My aunt Susie put so much work into the shower, from the cake to the adorable decorations, right down to the "baby-shaped/baby-powder-scented" soap favors that she gave everyone! Wish I had a picture to share right now, they are absolutely adorable.
For now, these ridiculous pictures of my sisters and I will have to do...
Can you tell that my sister Claire (on the right) is pretty terrified of the bump? It took all of that convincing just to get her to pose for ONE bump shot!
And of course, TBone stopped by because...well, free food.
Let's see, what else?!
Oh yes! My first two BumGenius AIO Cloth Diapers came in the mail this week (shower gifts)! YAY! I must admit, I'm nervous to cloth diaper. I've already reach out to a few of you CD'ing mamas, but any others that are reading, would you consider providing some words of wisdom? I have absolutely no one on my side in real life...I mean, Tim/my mom are defending my/our choice, which I appreciate, but even they know hardly anything about it! And beyond them, people are openly DISAPPROVING, which I do not appreciate at all. I will take all of the moral support I can get! For the record, we've made this decision based on our desire to protect baby's precious skin as well as the financial savings we'll reap. These two factors make this VERY important to me, and I really want to succeed!
So, okay, enough rambling...CHRISTMAS EVE (DAY) BUMP!!!
Nope, not smuggling a watermelon under my dress...although watermelon actually sounds delicious right now.
How far along? 36 weeks, and only 28 days to go! Baby is still between 19-21 inches (won't really get much longer), and is now clocking in closer to at least 5.5, maybe 6 lbs. TICK TOCK BABY!
Clothing? Super duper limited, but refuse to buy anything because we are SO CLOSE!
Stretch marks? The same few that I discovered last week! Wonder if any new ones will surprise me...
Sleep? Not great. I am in pain after a few hours no matter what position I'm in, so I'm constantly rolling and shifting (which also hurts). Up for the bathroom at least 2-3 times/night. Also having WILD dreams...last night's dream including a screaming match with my boss (stressed at work perhaps?!) and me being rushed to the hospital with a "brain infection." So...hmm.
Best moment of this week? Celebrating my last baby shower, and OH DUH my second wedding anniversary was on Monday!!!!!!!! I LOVE YOU T!!!!!!
Worst moment of this week? Those wicked Charlie horses from last week caused me to pull BOTH calf muscles, I kid you not. So I was walking like a granny all week. Whatevs.
Miss anything? There is nothing that I can’t live without until January, which by the way starts NEXT WEEK!!!!!!!!!
Movement? I've definitely noticed a drop-off in kicks, but she's still wiggling around in there. Most of the time it's a big roll or a butt sticking out that I feel. This morning was the first time I felt her WAYYYYY over my right side, practically right above my hip, which was a little weird! And I am definitely able to distinguish tiny feet/sharp elbows every once in awhile!
Symptoms? Sinuses are a bit better, woohoo! But still having the perennial achy hips and pelvis (ESPECIALLY pelvis lately, maybe baby is dropping?), breast tenderness, increased hunger (I thought my hunger was supposed to be DECREASING?!), weak legs, pregnancy brain, swollen (and sore) fingers, upper/lower linea nigra, hot flashes like WOAH, uncontrollable nesting, and fatigue. Oh, and the heartburn/acid reflux is back with a vengeance! Constantly feels like I've swallowed fire, whether or not I've even eaten in the last hour. Lovely.
Food cravings? Still uncontrollably craving sweets. Trying to tone it down as the "magical disappearing pounds" are definitely back, but it's CHRISTMAS! Such an unfair time to try and restrain yourself!
Gender? I. am. SO. conflicted.
Labor Signs? Nope, not yet!
Belly button in or out? OUT .
Mood? Getting REAAAAAAAAAALLY excited!!!!!!!
Rituals? Nighttime lullaby, holy water on the belly in the morning, holy oil on the belly at night. Routine bedtime chats. And a few playful poke fests to watch the baby squirm around in my belly!
Milestones? Baby's fingernails have reached the end of her tiny fingers this week! Can you believe I have a full set of FINGERNAILS floating around inside of my belly?! I mean, woah.
Looking forward to? My 38-week appointment next Monday, 2 weeks and counting until my leave (!!!!!!!!!!), CHRISTMAS, NEW YEAR’S, and, duh...BABY'S BIRTHDAY!!!
This week's pregnancy-small-talk-gems (aka things other people say to pregnant ladies without thinking): Get this...a co-worker at work was chatting with a client about her wedding, and mentioned that after her wedding she was "really hoping she wouldn't wind up pregnant 6 months later." So the client asked "oh, are you pregnant?" And she responded "NO, thank GOD." I was sitting right behind her. Um, thanks.
Notes from doctor’s appointment: Monday's appt. was the Step B swab and my first internal check. Drumroll, please...0 cm dilated and 0% effaced, haha. Which made for a PAINFUL internal. But that's okay, it's early yet! HB was in the 140s, baby was wiggling, and my stomach was measuring right on track. Next week I'll get the results of my strep B test and do another internal exam! Wish me luck! Oh, and by the way...the doctor did predict this week that HE believes the baby will come on its own between 38-39 weeks. I'd be TOTALLY FINE with that!
A very very Merry and Blessed Christmas to each and every one of you...God bless you and your families!
So exciting... Soon he or she will be here !!