8:42 AM
**This is a pregnancy-related post, so please feel free to skip this post if you're not up for it. God bless.**

A happy happy Wednesday to all of you, and a VERY HAPPY Feast of St. John Paul II! What a glorious holiday to be celebrating on this beautiful day. In honor of this wonderful feast, a picture that accurately captures why I so desperately love fall…

That is a #nofilter picture. Can you believe it?! Sigh.

Honestly, there is not much to report this week. But no news is good news, right?! Right.
I guess the ‘big exciting event’ of the week was yet ANOTHER mid-week doctor’s appointment for symptoms that I will later explain, but what essentially amount to some pretty significant (and increasing) discomfort. I guess I am already at ‘that’ stage in my pregnancy, a bit earlier than I expected!

Confession: I have never made it the full 4-weeks to my next scheduled appointment with my doctor. I have always had to see him in between our scheduled appointments to check on symptoms, or for reassurance of some sort. Yeah, I talk a good game (not that good, really), but I am still the same ole worry wart that I’ve always been. And while I definitely wish I was more chill, more relaxed, and a bit more TRUSTING (Jesus, I really do trust in You! Help my unbelief!), I have decided to cut myself a bit of slack. Because actually, the reason for these many visits is really not 100% anxiety, and certainly not 100% about ME. As soon as I saw those two pink lines again, I have found myself worrying about someone else’s health CONSTANTLY, and it always comes before mine. If I broke my leg tomorrow, I don’t think I would worry one bit (but also, no thanks universe). But tell me that I am having symptoms that might possible effect the health of my tiny peanut?! Forget about it. I want that checked out right away.

I know, I know, regardless of my new responsibility I should STILL trust in God more. And I do, I really do. But it’s true what they say—pregnancy is absolutely the prologue to a lifetime of motherly concern. And in this sense, I am trying not to beat myself up too much. Because I know I will worry about this child forever—what mother doesn’t worry? This is just a sign of things to come.

I may be grey before age 40.

Anyway, my doctor truly does understand, and for that I am so thankful. He has never once made me feel like a lunatic, and has always been happy to see me on short notice. And after last Friday’s impromptu visit, I really did feel better. Hearing that tiny thump thump thump always takes my fears away, even if only for a little while.

Let’s get right to the BUMP (or shall we start affectionately calling it a mountain?)!

How far along?  27 weeks, THIRD TRIMESTER (what?!?!??!), and baby is creeping up on 15 inches long. Seriously, this BOGGLES MY MIND!
Clothing? Mostly all maternity at this point! Working with a limited wardrobe these days, but that’s okay. Just got a cute new maternity dress from As.os for my upcoming weddings, though!
Stretch marks? Nope, let’s see if I can stay lucky here.
Sleep? I’ve had extra trouble this week with my sinuses at night, and that’s been making falling asleep a bit more difficult. Also, I find that after dinner I stay UNCOMFORTABLY full well past bedtime…so to keep nausea at bay, I have to sleep sitting up. But once I fall asleep, I usually stay asleep for most of the night (except for potty breaks).
Best moment of this week? Hearing baby’s heartbeat!!! Feeling some amazing baby kicks!!! Spending quality time with my fam and T!!!! BEING IN THE THIRD TRIMESTER OF THIS AMAZING PREGNANCY!!!
Worst moment of this week? Probs the worrying. As I confessed above, I am still a worry-wart. But through it all, Jesus has never left my side.
Miss anything? There is nothing that I can’t live without until January!
Movement? Yes! Last Thursday night was the first time that I felt hiccups from the outside. T was not convinced…he was all, “how do you know for sure?!” and I was all, “TRUST ME BABES, when it’s hiccups, you know it!” Other than that, she still favors my right side and loves to stick her feet up in my right ribs (which BTW, feels like someone is stabbing me with an ice pick). Definitely got a troublemaker on our hands. Frequent rolls and punches, too. I can’t get enough!!!
Symptoms? So, things are gettin’ real. The reason for my doctor’s visit was a constant crampy feeling in my stomach and back, terrible shortness of breath, constant Braxton Hicks when I move at all, terribly achy hips and joints, etc. His diagnosis: you are doing too much! His suggested treatment: Slow down (and also, when it comes to the pain, suck it up). Ha, but really, he was much kinder than that. He explained that the 4 miles of walking every work day was no longer a great idea, as my body is under more stress than ever. He said that although it will not hurt the baby, it is very clearly wearing me out, and that’s just no good. So this week, I have been taking cabs one or both ways and trying to stay off my feet more. I feel so silly doing this, because this was the LAST little bit of exercise built into my daily schedule, but I know he’s right. He was not concerned about baby’s health, but wants me to feel better, so I am attempting to cool it in every way possible. (Also checked baby’s HB and made sure I was not dilated or anything crazy—everything is great!) What else? Achy ribs (baby’s feet live here!), costochondritis (definitely worse this week), heartburn/indigestion, uncomfortable fullness after meals, dizziness, RLP, a sore and crampy back, Charlie horses, terrible sinuses, upper/lower linea nigra, and here’s a new one…yesterday I crouched down in the elevator to tie my shoe, and honest to goodness I could not get back up for a second. Like, my legs gave out on me. I am 100 years old.
Food cravings? Coconut water, goldfish crackers, SESAME BAGELS WITH BUTTER. All about those this week. Did you know that TJ’s sesame bagels have 10 grams of protein each?! Makes me feel a tad better about the fact that I’ve had one every day this week so far.
Gender? Had another very vivid boy dream…except in the dream, I gave birth to a Hispanic baby boy. I was VERY concerned that people would think I’d been unfaithful to T, but then I remembered that I had a Hispanic cousin named Roberto (false), so I decided the baby must have gotten his genes (not a thing)! Anyway, it was very realistic. But my gut STILL says girl.
Labor Signs? Nope, thank goodness.
Belly button in or out? Almost officially out.
Mood? Despite the worry wart in me, I am so, so happy.
Rituals? Nighttime lullaby, holy water on the belly in the morning, holy oil on the belly at night. Routine bedtime chats. And a few playful poke fests to watch the baby squirm around in my belly!
Milestones? THIRD TRIMESTER KIDS!!!!!!!!!
Looking forward to? My 28-week appointment on Oct. 29, and my glucose test the day before!!! I know that sounds dumb, but I have dreamt of making it this far for so long that I am excited for EACH AND EVERY MILESTONE!!!
This week's pregnancy-small-talk-gems (aka things other people say to pregnant ladies without thinking): “Your body will never, ever be the same I hope you know that”—random lady at a department store. Uh, pardon me?!

That’s all for now! Have a blessed feast day and a terrific week.

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