28 Weeks and HALLOWEEEEEN!

12:58 PM
**This is a pregnancy-related post, so please feel free to skip this post if you're not up for it. God bless.**

Hello hello, and happy Wednesday! I hope everyone is having a terrific week. The weather has been behaving where we live, at least so far…knock on wood that this gorgeous fall continues!

This morning at the doctor’s office I spoke a phrase out loud that really stuck with me, and may have to become its own separate post—as it is the first semi-non-baby-related thought I’ve had in a while. On the surface, it is very much related to my pregnancy, but I think we all relate to this on some level. I told my doctor and mom that although I have nothing tangible to worry about, nothing truly terrifying to sink my teeth into and fret over endlessly, I still find myself constantly “resisting the temptation to despair.” Do you know what I mean? Even though nothing is directly threatening my happiness (or my pregnancy for that matter), I still feel like I am in constant battle with this temptation. It may very well be the devil’s unique tactic when it comes to trying to steal my soul, but I suspect I’m not alone here. And the more I think about it, the more I think that writing down some of my thoughts on the subject might be healing. But, no surprise, I am 28 WEEKS PREGNANT today and all I really want to think about is the healthy baby growing inside of me!

OH, and by the way, I passed my glucose test! WOOHOO! For anyone worrying about this, it really wasn’t that bad. The drink tasted like a Capri Sun, and while chugging it in 5 minutes wasn’t exactly a blast, I survived. And you will, too!

So, on to the fun stuff. Well, fun for me, hopefully at least mildly entertaining for the rest of you...a BRIEF little update on my week!

I had a lovely friend from college drive in from out-of-town this weekend to keep me company! T had been away on yet another business trip (BOOOOO) to Las Vegas, L.A., and Phoenix (rough trip, right?!) and I was so lonely—and so thankful for the company! As you can see, I used this as an excuse (like I need an excuse) to try out a new donut place by my house. It was so adorable—they sell “baby donuts” as a branch of the “baby boutique” next door. And because they are “baby”-sized, you don’t feel QUITE so guilty ordering a dozen for yourself (although maybe I should). They are tiny, I swear!

I got the PB&J covered donuts, and my friend Alice got the white chocolate coconut covered flavor. They were both AMAZING!

Praise God for amazing autumn sunrises! Enough said, am I right?


And thank goodness for special treats, especially when they come from my favorite store…T.rader Joe’s! I was perusing the “new items” aisle when I found this interesting soda called Dr. Better. Sound sorta similar to another popular soda? Well, it is in fact “better,” and I felt extra cool drinking out of a bottle again! It’s not an ice cold pumpkin beer, but it still hits the spot. And I wish you guys could see how ridiculous the picture on the label is…my friend Alice was with me when I bought these, and when she asked me why I was buying them, I said “just look at the label…this guy clearly knows what’s up.” And he sure does. Win! (Also, hard to beat the belly shelf. I may miss it when it's gone)

And because T and I send a shameless amount of selfies when we are not together, an accurate portrait of how I’ve been feeling/looking lately. Just keepin’ it real, world.

Time to BUMP IT UP.

How far along?  28 weeks, THIRD TRIMESTER, and baby is the size of a large bok choy. Didn’t we already pass that veggie?! Either way, my babe is HUGE!
Clothing? Severely limited. I am too self-conscious to document my weight on this blog, and I just generally think it can do more harm than good to make comparisons based purely on poundage, but suffice to say I have definitely seen the scale tip in a big way. This makes dressing so difficult! Still, one of many sacrifices I’m happy to make. I am excited about the baby shower dresses I ordered, though…hopefully those fit, fingers crossed!
Stretch marks? Nope, a bit of good luck and nothing more!
Sleep? Not as bad as it could be. Can’t say I’m terribly comfortable at night, and I do toss and turn a bit, but for the most part I fall asleep pretty easily and stay asleep (minus potty breaks).
Best moment of this week? Hearing peanut’s heartbeat at today’s appointment—something I never get tired of!!! Although it took us long enough to hear it…apparently the baby’s chest was directly under my belly button, and the doctor had a heck of a time picking up the sound! Please don’t give your mama any more heart attacks, little one!
Worst moment of this week? Missing T, but so thankful to be reunited!!!
Miss anything? There is nothing that I can’t live without until January!
Movement? Totally! But I will say, I feel like I’ve read literally hundreds of other women’s blogs who all say that the baby “never stops moving,” is a “constant mover and shaker,” etc. etc. and that has worried me to no end. I am here to keep it real with you guys. My baby does NOT move non-stop all day every day, and according to the doc that’s 100% normal! She definitely has her periods of resting and waking. I do feel her consistently throughout the day every day, but some days are still more active than others, and that’s okay. So if you’ve ever compared yourself to the sea of other mommy bloggers and felt like “what the heck is wrong with my babe?!” you are not alone! That being said, I LOVE the feeling of my little one rolling around inside of me! It really is a miracle.
Symptoms? Actually feeling quite a bit better since eliminating one of my walking routes. Score one for my doctor! But still having a few of the classic symptoms: achy ribs when the baby kicks me, a little costochondritis, some indigestion, uncomfortable fullness after meals, sore/crampy back (especially at night), Charlie horses (had a terrible one this week that left me with a pulled calf muscle the entire next day!), trouble with sinuses (again, especially at night), upper/lower linea nigra, and legs that do not work. Seriously, bending over and standing up again is such a chore (and so embarrassing that I just typed those words)!
Food cravings? Coconut water, always. And this week, Chinese food! I practically cleaned out the Chinese part of the frozen aisle at TJ’s!
Gender? I am sorry, son, if you are reading this years later, but right now I still think you are a girl. Regardless, I have begun the process of sorting all of our baby clothes and we have PLENTY for a boy or a girl!
Labor Signs? Nope.
Belly button in or out? I mean…it’s pretty much an outie at this point.
Mood? Happy happy happy, and a bit weepy. A random country song was playing yesterday at work, and I started to tear up because I missed T so much. And I’m not even a country fan. Sigh.
Rituals? Nighttime lullaby, holy water on the belly in the morning, holy oil on the belly at night. Routine bedtime chats. And a few playful poke fests to watch the baby squirm around in my belly!
Milestones? Baby is regulating her own body temperature more and more, preparing her for life outside of my belly! I can’t even explain how unbelievably cool I think this is!!!
Looking forward to? My 30-week appointment on November 12 (WHAT?!?!?! 30 WEEKS?!?!?!??! HOLY COW!!!!), and celebrating a dear friend’s wedding this weekend with another dear friend who is in from out-of-town! Let the games begin!!!
This week's pregnancy-small-talk-gems (aka things other people say to pregnant ladies without thinking): Nothing too ridiculous this week…thank you universe.

In case I don’t get another chance to say it…HAPPY HALLOWEEN, ALL! What are you dressing up as?! I may just throw on an orange shirt and call my belly a pumpkin. Real original, I know.

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