The Waiting... the hardest part.
Yes it is Tom (& The Heartbreakers), yes it is.
First off, truly beautiful day. This should not go unnoticed, as Chicago has been experiencing some of the most yo-yo-iest (yep) weather this year that I have ever seen. Spring has (knock on wood) SPRUNG, I think, and that is making me so very happy.
Had a doctor appointment last night with a new G.I. doctor for tummy trouble that I thought was maybe related to my big complicated web of fertility issues. Well, turns out, it probably is. The doctor says I need to do a colonoscopy. I fight back when my husband calls me "grandma" for going to bed at 9:30 (sorry not sorry), buuuuuut I can't argue with the association that comes along with this. Dr. B thinks that the some of the rotten endometriosis that I worked so hard to get rid of is most likely still attached to my colon, causing painful stomach cramps around that time of the month. So, I will have a colonoscopy, and have that excised. I'm sorry if I just grossed everyone out. But I felt like I had to mention it, because, it's never just ONE thing, is it?! As my great R.E. Dr. C says, "it's easy to kill a man, but it's damn near impossible to kill a woman." I like that. Makes me feel stronger. But still, doesn't make any of this easy...or fun. Good news is, I can't have a colonoscopy while I'm TTC. Bad news is, as soon as AF rears her ugly head (UNLESS SHE DOESN'T, WHICH I FIRMLY BELIEVE IS A POSSIBILITY), I have to schedule the procedure...insult to injury at that point, but I will do what needs to be done. We're all "all in" at this point, aren't we? Tell us what's wrong and we will do our best to fix it, no matter the cost (financial, physical, or emotional).
Doctor appointment this morning for follicular ultrasound, and a blessing! My husband was able to come for support, and I was so glad to have him there. He usually has to get to work earlier than me, so it's usually just me and mom. But it was nice seeing his smiling face across the room. I was HOPING to get the Ovidrel shot today, but no such luck. However, Dr. C says that the lining looks great--almost 7 mm. I also have two follicles that are still growing nicely, one at 15 mm, and the other at 14 mm. This makes sense, because all of the sudden it feels like I have two free weights inside my pelvis...I can FEEL the suckers growing. That doesn't usually happen, and I must admit, it's a strange (but good!) feeling. Bad news (not TOO bad but annoying to me) is that he said yes, things are moving a LITTLE slowly, but he is not concerned about it at all. I am impatient by nature, so I don't love that part, but I will suck it up. Good news is he says my bloodwork looks great, the follicles look great, the lining looks great, and my "window" should open up on Sunday! That means back to the Dr. on Monday morning to check things out one more time, and if all goes according to plan, SHOTINTHEBUTT. Can't wait, really!
And then, when I came home from the doc, I saw THIS little guy peeking out from underneath the mulch next to my house...
Hey, buddy! Where did you come from?!
"Observe how the lilies of the field grow; they do not toil nor do they spin, yet I say to you that not even Solomon in all his glory clothed himself like one of these. But if God so clothes the grass of the field, which is alive today and tomorrow is thrown into the furnace, will He not much more clothe you? You of little faith!"
I also thought that this morning's meditation in Magnificat (St. Augustine) was great, and worth sharing, too.
Just a few more days...the waiting is the hardest part, every day you see one more card, you take in on faith, you take it to the heart, the waiting is the hardest part...
I got this. I can do it. Just a few more days.
Many many prayers for all of you this weekend...
Prayers for you too! Indeed, the waiting is the HARDEST part. I know that to be very true, especially now. So, hugs!! You'll need 'em.
ReplyDelete"Tell us what's wrong and we will do our best to fix it, no matter the cost (financial, physical, or emotional)." <-- SO TRUE! We are strong, us women. Like I said earlier this week, WE ARE WARRIORS! Fighting one of the hardest battles there is. Rwwwwarrrrrr.
So many pretty things in your day -- husband by your side at ultrasound, learning new info about your endo (which is also a bummer, but at least you're aware now! One more thing to fix that could help you along the way to a BFP!), that lovely flower, that morning meditation from St. Augustine!!! Great job keeping it positive, girl!!
I find I ovulate later than normal whenever I do the ultrasound series. And it's because of stress. Stress always slows down my ovulation LIKE WOAH. It's a Catch-22 because I stress over not ovulating and therefore delay my ovulation, which makes me stress more! Gah!! Hopefully this is not your issue, but it could be putting things in slow-mo.
Have a beautiful weekend, friend! Hugs and prayers!
It IS hard! I don't wait well, but I do so much of it these days...practice makes perfect question mark?! At least I'm trying :)
DeleteWE ARE WARRIORS! I love that! I need every bit of strength I can muster! Maybe I should growl as I walk into my doc appts/blood draws/etc.etc. I'm sure that wouldn't embarrass my husband at all ;)
You're totally right about the stress messing with ovulation...I've been on the other end of that MANY times. Although during one of the most stressful cycles I've ever had, I conceived my second it's hard to know what to do! God, throw me a bone here!!
Thanks for the encouragement and prayers, they are much needed today!!! Hugs and prayers right back atcha!!!
Praying for you. I'm glad your doctor us being proactive about the intestinal pain you are having. My mother's good friend ignored her endo for years and it ended up invading her colon severely. She gad to have a portion of it removed and a colostomy bag for about a year while everything healed. Taking charge of your health and completing the colonoscopy isn't easy, but it will give you a lot of answers and perhaps prevent even further damage or health issues.
ReplyDeleteS, that is horrifying!
DeleteTHANKS SO MUCH for stopping by! And for that, how horrible for your mother's friend. But it's good for me to hear, it's easy to sweep "non-fertility-related health issues" under the rug, but this encourages me to be pro-active about it. I am not looking forward to the colonoscopy, but I am looking forward to more healing and peace moving forward :)
DeleteBTW--I would love to follow your blog, but it's not letting me!!
DeleteWaiting is so hard! Sorry for the GI stuff in addition to everything else. Ugh =( Prayers for lots of peace!!
ReplyDeleteThanks so much Ecce! It's no fun, but we all have our own unique bag of health issues to deal with, don't we?! I certainly know that I'm not alone in this frustration. All for the glory! Prayers for you!
DeleteYup, the waiting is the cross, for sure.
ReplyDeleteWould you email me when you have a chance? I couldn't find your email on your blog - mine is
Yes, it sure is!
DeleteI did send you an email, but in case you didn't receive it, you can email me at :)
I LOVE that song!! I've had it in my head for months now and thought about posting about it so many times:-) Thanks for sharing. That is wonderful news about your ultrasound!!! How nice that your husband could go with you too. I have to say the GI issue thing sounds awful. When you get your period you get the added bonus of a colonoscopy- joy! The St. Augustine reflection is beautiful- brought tears to my eyes!
ReplyDeleteA classic for sure...I just love him. Thanks for the kind words about our ultrasound, and yes, I am not looking forward to dealing the the G.I. thing at a time, ha! I'm glad the St. Augustine reflection brought you as much joy and peace as it did for me!!!