Just a little update.
Well guys, I've had a rough couple of days. Sounds much more dramatic than it was--but because of my last few months, I am a little more sensitive to dramaaaa than I ever have been. I won't freak you out with the exact symptoms, but I will say that in pregnancy, they can be both normal or abnormal...and THAT was enough to freak me out. Annnnd also led to a repeat blood test, which is no fun.
Boooo. BUT! The good news is that my HCG levels came back at 2,319! That is much more than double-in-48-hours, which is great news! And so, I am trying to relax. Found this amazing prayer online that I have been reading the past few mornings...would love if some of you would say it with me!
For a Successful Pregnancy
Powerful is your intercession with God, Mary, for you are his mother. Tender , too, is your love for us, for you are our mother. Confidently , then, I come to you as a child, poor and needy, to seek your aid and protection. In every trial of motherhood, I beg your aid. For the grace of a happy delivery, I come to you. For your holy assistance in guarding and directing each tiny soul with which God entrusts me, I call to you. In every sorrow that comes to me in my motherhood, I confide in you.
That I may have strength to bear cheerfully all the pains and hardships of motherhood, I lean on you. That the sweetness of motherhood may not through my neglect be embittered in later years by pains of regret, I trust in you. That the will of God may always be fulfilled in me through each act of my motherhood, little and great, I beg your aid. Never forsake me dear Mother, my hope, my consolation, my confidence, and my trust, but ever be at my side to aid and protect me, your needy child. Amen.
Mother of Love, of Sorrow, and of Mercy, Pray for us!
Mother of Love, of Sorrow, and of Mercy, Pray for us!
And, on top of my great test results, my mom saw a "lucky" turtle on her bike ride yesterday morning.
So you KNOW things are looking up. I did however have to inform her that it was a snapping turtle, and would probably bite her hand off if she let it.
That's all for now. I am Positive Polly instead of Negative Nancy!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOHOO!!!!!!!!!!
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