Weeks 33-34!

 We are getting so close, people!!! And man, am I ready (physically) and also not ready (emotionally). HA! We are powering through in survival mode, and so glad to finally have Tim home with no additional travel scheduled (knock on wood!!!). Today is a beautiful spring day, we are officially ONE MONTH from baby, and all is well (except my back, head, bladder, etc...but other than that)!!!!

In other news, we finally bit the bullet and bought THE BIG KAHUNA VAN!!! Affectionately known, for now, as "Whitey." Not a perfect car (by any stretch of the imagination) but perfect for what we need right now, and we are so happy (mostly me, but still!).

This baby is Ms. Personality all of the sudden! She loves being "buried" on the couch by her big sisters and (not sure if I mentioned this?) is officially walking and now RUNNING all over the house with so much glee. She still seems so much like a baby to me, it's hard to imagine that we will soon have an even younger one. But we are so excited, and I think (hope) she will be too!

Eileen has (as usual) been the all-time best big sister and is keeping herself and her sisters entertained as we await this big change. Here she is modeling her purple octopus. Ha!

These two are thick as thieves and it warms my mama heart. 

Kiki bird had her eye exam this week in preparation for KINDERGARTEN in the fall! HOW?!

Eileen officially started AYSO soccer and is loving it, which is so fun to see! I could live without the 8 AM Saturday morning games...but still!

We are smiling and trying to keep everyone happy happy!

And silly!

Pizza movie Friday!

So that's that! My 33-week appointment last week was great, baby is doing well (HB 152 BPM) and super active, which is fun...but painful! So many contractions, so much stretching (baby still transverse which is uncomfortable), but all good. My c-section is officially scheduled for 5/26, which is a month away!!! Crazy, crazy, crazy. We are ready for you, Babes. We are so, so, so, soooooo excited to meet you.

On to this crazy bump! Full disclosure, I have already gained more than I did total with Lila, which is a bummer. But I'm trying to embrace it, because it's a season, and that's just sometimes how it goes. Being a mom (and a pregnant mom!) is hard enough...right?! This is me giving myself a pep talk, haha!

Humongous! But that's life!

How far along? 33+5 (not quite 34 but close!)
Clothing? So limited, so so limited.
Sleep? Not great. But today I slept in, so that's cool!!!!
Best moment of this week? Today's BEAUTIFUL WEATHER! Spring seems like it is actually finally here, yay!!
Worst moment of this week? Like I said, lots of pain and Braxton Hicks, especially at night. That's life!
Miss anything? Wine :) so close!
Movement? Tons. This baby is so active, which I really love!!!
Symptoms? Super dizzy (random vertigo last night which is awful), super nauseous, bad GI stuff, sciatica, bad back pain, terrible round ligament pain, sooooo many Braxton Hicks!
Food cravings? Ugh just everything and nothing all at once. Doesn't stop the weight gain train, though!!!
Gender? Still playing with the boy idea, haha!
Labor Signs? Nope!
Belly button in or out? Super outie. Super cute.
Wedding rings on or off? On, but fingers definitely swollen!
Mood? Getting really excited. Can't believe how close we are. It's insane!!!
Looking forward to? Finally getting bedtime under control, I think? Maeve dropped her nap these past few days (out of necessity, to make bedtime work) so that's a bummer but i hope it will mean more peace in general...also my 36 week growth ultrasound, yayayaya!!!

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