...hi, it's me! Yes. I'm pregnant.

I was genuinely shocked this time. We were trying, but did not expect this one because it happened through a fluke series of events/timing. Watching this test turn pink was seriously one of the coolest things, EVER!

This is how I told Tim this time...equally shocked, so funny!

I had to convince myself a few times!!!

So yeah, it's happening! We are OVER THE MOON EXCITED, and even though I wrote July, baby #5 (affectionately known as "Babes") is actually due on my birthday, 6/8, but will come at least a week early. I cannot WAIT.

We are officially at 12 weeks tomorrow, and here are the notes I have so far...

1) My stomach popped out IMMEDIATELY. Like, truly, right away.

Day of.

I also wrote that being "next level tired" was really my only symptom, other than maybe some light leukorrhea. 

I then had some spotting at 5 weeks 3 days, which is normal for me, but this spotting lasted through 8 weeks which freaked me out. The doc ultimately decided that I probably had a small SCH that healed up when I went on pelvic rest. It definitely did a number on me mentally in the beginning, and I'm glad to be past that point!

Other than that, I had some cramping/back pain which was normal for me, and some morning sickness which comes/goes. I also had some WICKED costochondritis, which I have had before, but I honestly was worried I might have a pulmonary embolism it was so bad! Gone now, thankfully. Other than that, a weird UTI around 8 weeks that ended in some terrible bladder pain (like, sleeping with an ice pack in my pants bad) but here we are, week 12, still standing. PRETTY FREAKIN AWESOME!

And honestly, check out this bump.

I mean, really.

I am disorganized already, somehow missing week 7? And also week 12, haha! Which is okay, because technically I hit 12 weeks tomorrow. Will post in my next round-up, which I am **hoping** to do every two weeks again.

In other news, my family just got through Covid! My mom, brother, and sister had it, all are fine now. They somehow gave it to ONLY Maeve, so we tried masking the kids etc. but it was chaos and we only lasted a week. We all retested and it was still only Maeve, even though I thought for sure I had it! Turns out I was just feeling awful because of my beautiful baby. Figures! Other than that, we've had a beautiful fall, despite all of the lockdown craziness. Feeling very blessed these days.

We had an awesome ultrasound today. Babes, you were wiggling all over the place, heartbeat of 157 BPM. I cried, like I always do. You are a miracle, and your sisters and dad and I are so excited to meet you this summer!!

6 weeks!

8 weeks!

12 weeks!

Excited big sisters!

Until next time, sweet baby. We love you so much already!!!!!!!!


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