40 Weeks: D-DAY

11:32 AM
D-Day, as in due date day! But NOT the D-day I was planning on, although it's still so exciting to make it to this great milestone! :)

Long story short, I will not be induced today after all. At my doctor's appointment on Monday I still had not made a lot of progress, and my doctor decided that he wants me to wait a bit longer. As of Monday, I was about "a finger tip dilated," "very soft," but baby's head was still not engaged. As you know, we're hoping the induction will INCREASE my chance of delivering naturally, but in order for that chance to increase it's better if my body progresses a bit more on its own. So I am sitting, and waiting, and if I do not go into labor on my own (which the doctor still totally believes is possible), I will be induced Sunday night at 40w4d. If you can spare a prayer for my nerves as I wait, I would SO appreciate it!

It's all good news though, the baby was active and had a strong heartbeat so there are no concerns. Praise God! A lot of it is that I am just rocked over the news of K (Lucky as Sunshine)'s sweet baby and his premature passing. How fragile and precious life is. My heart is broken for her, and I will carry her sadness with me this week, certainly into labor, and pray for healing for her family. Lord have mercy, Christ have mercy.

I will post updates as I have them...God bless all of you!


  1. Amen. Amen. Amen. You have my prayers.

  2. prayers for you as you head into D-Day..

  3. Prayers, girl!! Your little one is almost here!!

  4. Praying and thinking of you...and looking forward to seeing the big announcement! Hope all is well!

  5. Details are up on my blog if anyone is looking for them - blessedtobeblog.blogspot.com :) Em will be posting a full birth story here very soon!


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