32 Weeks, and the LAST of the Weddings!

7:50 AM
**This is a pregnancy-related post, so please feel free to skip this post if you're not up for it. God bless.**

Hi, hi, HIYA! (Heavyweights, anyone?!)


I hope everyone is gearing up for a big meal of turkey, mashed potatoes, pumpkin pie, and anything/everything else they can get their hands on. I know I am!

What’s new in the world of Holi, you ask? Well, we have FINALLY completed our whirlwind wedding season and I must say, we went out with a bang! This past Friday night I traveled by train to IN where my husband was waiting for me, all ready to stand up in one of his best friend’s weddings. We had a lovely time from start to finish. The décor was so beautifully and thoughtfully arranged (so many compliments to the bride, she did an amazing job!), the food was great, of course the bride and groom were stunning and deliriously happy, and we even got to have a CARICATURE done of the two of us PLUS late night hot pretzels with cheese (two of my favorite details, if I do say so myself). It was a great night, and a great way to wrap up wedding season 2014. Cheers to the new Mr. and Mrs. Solmos!

We look a little goofy here, but it will have to do!

My handsome guy in a TUX! I had never seen him in a tux before (he wore a suit in our wedding), so I had to document!

How the world sees us?!

Post-wedding elevator selfie, complete with upside down corsage!

But the fun doesn't stop there! Now that wedding season is over, it is officially HOLIDAY/BABY SHOWER season! We’ll kick things off with Thanksgiving tomorrow, followed by my first shower in Indiana on Sunday. Following that, we will have one weekend off and then it’s back-to-back baby showers followed by the holidays! I’m so excited, because not only will these be AMAZING events, but they also mean that peanut’s arrival is SO SO SO CLOSE!

And how am I feeling about that, you might ask? Well, these pictures accurately describe the mood around our house these days…


Always eating.

Ha, but seriously, I am…emotionally overwhelmed. Happy, scared, thrilled, nervous, excited, and a hundred other emotions all rolled into one. I cannot WAIT to meet this baby. But I am realizing that my life is about to change in a HUGE way, and that’s a bit scary. Of course, my fear does not even come CLOSE to outweighing my joy…in 8 short weeks (hopefully not longer!) I will have a BABY in my arms. A baby. Wow. Just, wow.

Of course, there are still some things left to do.

·        Finish setting up the nursery, for one. We’ve made great progress, but we’re definitely not done.
·        Deep clean the house. And I mean, REALLY deep clean! T, I will need your help with this one! The last time I tried to “deep clean” (a few weeks ago), I practically threw my back out!
·        Decorate for Christmas! T and I are having a special All-Christmas day on Friday to commemorate our first and only holiday in our new house as a family of two!
·         Take DOWN the decorations! Ha! Some time before the baby comes, hopefully.
·         Pack my/T’s hospital bag! I have JUST scratched the surface on this project…mamas, any tips?!

      And I’m sure there’s more, but that’s all I can think of right now.

Regardless, I know it will all get done. And when I start to panic about loose ends, I just go to my happy place…sitting on a warm beach, toes in the sand, eating a giant burrito.      

What are your holiday plans this year? I would love to hear all about them!

Now for the BUMP…

How far along?  32 weeks…8 whole months down, and 8 whole weeks to go! Baby is 17.5ish inches long, apparently the size of a pomelo (huh?), and will gain a ½ pound every week from here on out! WOAH baby!
Clothing? Seriously limited. Partly because I stayed at my parent’s house on Friday night, and left some of my clothes there to be picked up Sunday when we got home. I sent T over to pick up the clothes, and my mom had packed them in a garbage bag…so T assumed that they were garbage. Yes, he THREW OUT my clothes, one of my favorite scarves, and a ton of brand-new make-up. Excuse me while I channel that beach burrito…
Stretch marks? None yet, although I am shocked at this point.
Sleep? Well, I believe this is the start of the terrible sleep phase. This week, I’ve started tossing and turning a ton and getting up way more for the bathroom. I’m also getting killer leg cramps and my stomach is so sore, no matter how many pillows I shove under the bump. Oh well!
Best moment of this week? Celebrating another lovely wedding, entering the HOLIDAY/BABY SHOWER SEASON, and spending time with family…especially tomorrow, complete with turkey!
Worst moment of this week? Pretty physically uncomfortable, and having major frustrations with my job…but, again, small potatoes compared to the joy I’m feeling.
Miss anything? There is nothing that I can’t live without until January!
Movement? Still lots and lots of hiccups…the other day I counted over 100 hiccups in a single session! Poor baby! Movement is also stronger in general, lots of feet and bony elbows poking out. And definitely getting that “WOAH” feeling when she rolls over—she must be a big girl!
Symptoms? Big, tired, slow. Achy, indigestion/heartburn, breast tenderness, increased hunger this week, Charlie horses, trouble with sinuses (especially at night), upper/lower linea nigra, weak legs, TOTAL pregnancy brain, trouble with sciatica. BUT, some good symptoms…my hair and skin have honestly never looked better! And this was NOT the case in the 1st or 2nd trimester, so, I’ll take it!
Food cravings? Two words…EGG. NOG. I picked up a gallon from Ober.weis last night and man, I swear, nothing has ever tasted so good!
Gender? More predictions are rolling in from friends and fam, and we’re basically split down the middle! But I STILL say girl!
Labor Signs? Nope.
Belly button in or out? OUT .
Mood? Grumpy when I’m sore, but happy most of the time!
Rituals? Nighttime lullaby, holy water on the belly in the morning, holy oil on the belly at night. Routine bedtime chats. And a few playful poke fests to watch the baby squirm around in my belly!
Milestones? Baby is almost at her full birth height…how crazy is that?! No wonder it’s feeling so squished in there!
Looking forward to? My 34-week appointment on December 10,THANKSGIVING, CHRISTMAS, NEW YEAR’S, and the start of BABY SHOWER SEASON!!!
This week's pregnancy-small-talk-gems (aka things other people say to pregnant ladies without thinking): A very sweet compliment from a cab driver (he told me that I had lovely eyes). I was shocked that he noticed anything beyond the belly! But as I’m sure you know, us pregnant gals will take whatever we can get. Not to be outdone by a friend telling me that my belly looked “pointy.” Not offensive  really, more of a…huh?!

New category…

Notes from doctor’s appointment: Since I will be going every week soon, I figured this was worth keeping track of. At my doc apt. yesterday, I had a trace amount of protein in my urine. They didn’t think it was a huge deal and mentioned that I was probably just dehydrated. I also had a slight bacterial infection (caught by urinalysis), so I am on an antibiotic for that. But, in happier news, I only gained 1.8 pounds between appointments, baby is head down, heartbeat sounded great, and she is measuring right on track!

I suppose that’s all for today! Have I bored you enough?!

Have a wonderful and blessed Thanksgiving…eat lots!!


  1. Hope you've had a fantastic Thanksgiving! I'm also eating all the time, but not for such a fun reason as you. :)

  2. First off, I love Heavyweights. We for sure have it on DVD. And secondly hospital bag. With Christopher I severely over packed. With Meredith I slightly under packed. But what has stayed tried and true is a pack of cheap granny panties. The mesh ones they give you are horrible.and the minute I got to my postpartum room I changed. You dont want good ones because they can possibly get gross and if you do for some reason need a c-section they will be above your incision. So a bunch of those is in my opinion a must. Hope Thanksgiving was great!!

  3. Begging for some of your weight gain.. holding steady with no weight gain.. since like week 12. uggh.... You have me on the girl bandwagon for you. Enjoy all your upcoming showers.


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