19 WEEKS...Say WHAT?!

10:42 AM
**This is a pregnancy-related post, so please feel free to skip this post if you're not up for it. God bless.**

So okay, THIS is gettin' real. 19 weeks...that sounds so far along to me! Why does it sound so much farther along than, say, 18 weeks you might ask? Well, #1, because it is. And #2, because it is ONE WEEK AWAY from the HALF-BAKED MARK! And that, to me, is wild. Wild and amazing. Wild and amazing and crazy. Wild, amazing, crazy, and so wonderful.

Per usual, it has been a wacky week. But my brain is not firing on all cylinders today, so let's do this photo-dump style!

Someone had a birthday this week! Okay okay you caught me, it was last week, but I couldn't not include this picture of T opening up his presents from his mom...a few shirts for work, and a 4.5 lb bag of sour patch kids. You heard me right. I am married to a 12-year old.

This dancin' fool went back to college this week!!!!!! YAAAAAY and NOOOO at the same time, because I am SO excited for her, but I miss her so very much. At least we got to celebrate one last time as a family, and even squeezed a good two-step in...as evidenced by our stellar dancing form ;)

I can't not share these selfies that T sends me. They are too hilarious/ridiculous. This is one that he sent me after RUNNING to catch the morning train and JUST making it...and once he sat down, he was a bit sweaty, so he dabbed his perspiring forehead with a hanky. Like a very delicate cowboy.

Trying to (sorta) eat healthy? A cheater cup of organic decaf coffee with delicious real cream, buckwheat pancakes and fresh berries. These are the kinds of things you have time to make when you wake up at 9:30 on a Saturday and your hubs sleeps til noon.

It was THIS cutie (on the left!)'s birthday this past weeked, and we all celebrated by going to High Tea at the Drake Hotel! This tradition has been around since I was a little girl, and my grandma used to take me every year. Since she passed a few years ago, we have been carrying on the tradition with my mom. It is so special to me, and the food...A-MAZING. Happy Birthday, Bear!!!

"Emily, this is your second food picture. Don't you think that's a little much?" Um, no. Sunday dinner at my parent's house this weekend included homemade cinnamon-pecan scones (we tried calling them shortbread to get T to try one, because he claimed that "scones" were too girlie) with FRESH peaches, blueberries, and vanilla ice cream. YUM ATTACK. It was soooo good, and it's dishes like this that account for the fact that I do not keep track of my pregnancy weight on this blog...you're welcome.

And now, time to BUMP.

Say WHAT?! The bump is suddenly HUGE overnight (and yes, I know that I haven't really seen anything yet)!

How far along?  19 weeks, 1 MORE WEEK UNTIL I'M HALF-BAKED, and baby is the size of a cucumber! 6.5 inches long, and is now sucking its thumb/frowning/squinting, and so many other adorable things!!! Be still my heart.
Clothing? Maternity on the bottom, MOSTLY pre-preg on top. Although in the pics above, I am wearing a very comfy Old Nav.y maternity top that I quite like. I'm starting to prefer maternity tops because I feel like they hug my bump in a way that makes my pregnancy obvious, as opposed to some of my pre-preg tops that make me look just plain chubby. Know what I mean jelly bean?!
Stretch marks? Nothing new!
Sleep? Not too bad, though the mid-night charlie horses have started for sure. I also get some random shooting pains when I roll over occasionally, ouch! But I am NEEDING my body pillow these days. If I do not have it between my knees, I wake up with the sorest knee/hip joints ever!
Best moment of this week? Feeling a few more pops and pokes that seem to be getting a bit stronger! Also, sorry for the mushiness, but I have to record this...T woke me up early this morning to tell me that "I am the most beautiful woman in the world in his eyes, and he is so glad we are having a baby together." Heart=melted. 
Worst moment of this week? Had another dry-heaving/sweating/near fainting episode on the train this week...enough already! Also, there is some drama going on at work that has forced me to GET OVER MY PRIDE, which is really difficult for me...not to mention I am EXTRA sensitive these days. But I know that I need to surround myself with HAPPY thoughts and so, that is what I am doing! (*trying to do)
Miss anything? Wearing high heels to special events (like the two weddings I have coming up)! It will be flat-city for me...unless I can find some nice chunky ones that I'm confident will keep me upright!
Movement? Yes, especially on the train to/from work! But like before, STILL CRAVING MORE FREQUENT/ STRONGER KICKS!
Symptoms? Energy is  pretty good this week! Still some rapid HB/dizziness when I walk or get up too fast, breast tenderness/LOTS of rib pain, RLP, a BIG growing belly, backaches, achy joints, becoming full really easily, and my (crooked) linea nigra! Oh, and the remnants of a cold. UGH. My sinuses have never been so messed up!
Food cravings? This is a repeat craving, but do NOT let me near gummy bears/worms/objects of any kind. I will eat my way through the entire bag in 5 seconds flat. Also was LOVING this potato/corn/bacon chowder I made this weekend...had 3 bowls of it in 2 days! MMMM!
Gender? Still feeling girl.
Labor Signs? No siree.
Belly button in or out? Still in the half-in/half-out phase...so attractive!
Wedding rings on or off? On, but fingers do swell occasionally (mostly after walking outside)! 
Mood? Mostly happy, a LIIIIITTLE antsy for my appt. next week, but doing a pretty good job of keeping it at bay! Jesus, I trust in You!
Rituals? Nighttime lullaby, holy water on the belly in the morning, holy oil on the belly at night. And staring at my ultrasound pictures/watching the videos as often as I can!!!!! Along with routine bedtime chats.
Milestones? NEARLY HALF-BAKED! And, my baby sucking its thumb seems like a big one...since that was a HUGE part of my childhood :)
Looking forward to? MY FIRST REAL STRONG "OW THAT KINDA HURT" BABY KICK, a fantastic wedding in IN this weekend with good friends, and my 20-week appointment on Sept. 4!!!! Can't come soon enough!
This week's pregnancy-small-talk-gems (aka things other people say to pregnant ladies without thinking): Re: my  pregnancy..."What were you thinking?! Do you know how expensive children are?!?!" male co-worker. Ah, men.

Have an awesome week, ladies! Lots of prayers and blessings for each of you.


  1. I love how you embrace each week with such joy. But yes, the half-baked point is a great place to be!

    1. Thanks so much Madeline...I'm glad my joy shows! It IS a great place to be!!! Can't imagine how I will feel when I am as far along as you are!


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