Fuzzy Head

The sun is shining this morning!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So, that's a good start.

I am on Day 5 of this crazy wonder-drug we call Clomid. I feel veeeeery sleepy, very headachey. Kind of "cloudy" and fuzzy-headed. Easter weekend was a little tough--lots of babies, and pregnancy, and baby talk, and pregnancy talk, in addition to other long conversations with beloved relatives that I just couldn't quite stay plugged into. Several relatives asked my husband in private if I was "okay," meaning, "why is your wife being so quiet and strange?!" I tried my best not to be ZombieEmily, but, I guess I didn't do such a great job. I wish I could have explained to them why my eyes were glazing over thirty seconds into our "hellos." It was not personal, I promise! Even though they didn't exactly understand, I hope they can forgive my zonked-ness.

But no hot flashes! Praise God. No nausea or significant stomach cramping, either. So I call that a win. I expect I will get my brain back sometime later this week (or maybe never, who knows). But I'm doing fine without it, really. Talking to me might not be 'fireworks' right now but hey, that's what knock-knock jokes are for (I've memorized tons for exactly these kinds of days). And if anyone at work has noticed, they haven't mentioned it. Maybe brainless is how the world likes me (aside from my in-laws, that is)!

For the rest of the week, I will be in the business of distracting myself. From obsessive Googling, obsessive thinking, obsessive symptom-checking, etc. Ignorance is bliss...so, I'll do my best to be ignorant. How often in life is THAT your chore?! I'm ready to give it a go.

How do you ladies distract yourself in the midst of crazy medicated cycles? How do you relax and take your mind off of TTC when you are in the thick of it? Suggestions welcome!

Yesterday I finally received my SoulCore DVD, and I went through the work-out for the first time. If you need an avenue to release tension and at the same time strengthen your spirituality, I highly recommend this. The DVD takes you through yoga stretching while praying the Joyful Mysteries of the Rosary. It is beautiful, and spiritual, and even helps you work up a bit of a sweat! I had never thought of linking prayer to physical movement before, but it was a really relaxing and spiritual experience. I came away from the work-out with a sense of peace and physical wellness--it even temporarily relieved me of my migraine! Anyway, if you are looking to be distracted, like I am, I recommend giving this a try. We all need excuses to pray the Rosary more often!

So that's my distraction, for now. That's all I've got. Praying and stretching and trying to stay awake. CD6 follicular ultrasound tomorrow. Lots of grapefruit juice and Mucinex. Pineapple waiting in the fridge. Fish oil tablets in the cabinet. My husband is now taking Spirulina tablets in addition to his Multivitamin, to help with his lack of green veggies. My head is full of cotton balls and radio static.

Silver lining...in less than two months, I will be 26. My husband has agreed that, after my birthday, we can open up the adoption discussion. He told me last night (though he refuses to discuss this in-depth until June, fair is fair) that he is open to the idea, but he needs to pray about it more, because he is overwhelmed by it. I do understand. He is also very intimidated by the financial aspect, and that is my greatest fear for him--that he will not be able to get over the price tag. Any of you ladies who have adopted, if any of you have super frugal husbands, how did you approach this topic with your husband? Helping a child in need/growing our families should never be stunted by our finances, though for so many of us, it is a real obstacle. Have any of you considered fund-raising, or grants, etc.? I suppose this is a better question for June. Still, never hurts to have your ducks in a row.

I am clearly all over the place today. One more pill, and then I'm droppin' the mic on Clomid. But I have faith in God's plan for this cycle, I really do. Prayers are greatly appreciated, and know that you are in mine.

Happy TOOZdee!



  1. "Dropping' the mic on Clomid." Haha! You're funny!

    I don't have any great advice for keeping my mind off of TTC in the throws of it all. We try to go on date night once a week, so that helps. Plus, I love cooking, blogging, and silly shows on hulu, so I tend to do quite well distracting myself with all of that. I also have enjoyed adoption as a GREAT distraction! It's helped take the pressure off of TTC quite a bit and in the process, we got our home study done and are ready to go now! How's that for double duty!

    As for the cost of adoption -- did you know about the tax credit available? This year it's over $13,000! Sure, you have to pay for the adoption upfront, and that can be a big, expensive burden, but it's nice to know you can get a lot of it back by taking advantage of the tax credit. If you don't know much about it, look it up! It's pretty cool! :) Also, I think the best fundraiser I've heard of yet is a massive yard sale. Advertise it for months and have friends/family members donate items to your yard sale to make it really big. Then, sell sell sell and put all that money toward your adoption savings. A family near us is doing this as an adoption fundraiser and you should see some of the items people are just giving them to sell!! Including a piano!! People are really generous. :)

    I'm hoping you won't need to talk about all this adoption stuff come your birthday (AKA I hope Clomid helps you get pregnant!!), but if you do, I'm happy to give as much advice as you're willing to hear! (Sometimes I can overshare -- oops!) My husband and I have not been on the same page with adoption until recently, so I know what it can feel like to be in a different place than your spouse. I'm here to support if you need it!

    Now you've got me thinking about buying a SoulCore DVD! They should pay you for your sweet advertising!

    I'd love to hear one of these knock knock jokes! :)

  2. Such a great response, thank you thank you! I do know a bit about the credit, but I need to do more research. I LOVE the yard sale idea...that's so creative, and a great way to get friends/family involved without asking them for money (something I know I would not be comfortable with)!!! Thanks for the well wishes and prayers, especially as they relate to this cycle and future adoption chats...I certainly need them, and I expect you will be getting a few more emails in the months to come :) Thanks as usual for your great advice, positivity, and prayers, they are a gift to me!!


    Knock knock.
    Who's there?
    Madam who?
    Madam foot got caught in the door!

    ...........you're welcome ;)

    1. Bahahaha! That's great! Know that you're cheesy joke put a huge smile on my face today. THANK YOU!

    2. LOL!

  3. So sorry for the Clomid side effects =( I've never taken it but it sounds awful!! I can imagine that must just feel weird, not feeling like yourself, especially at family gatherings.

    As far as distracting myself from TTC...prayer helps! Also literal distractions, like focusing on work when I'm there, doing a hobby at home, listening to good music, etc. I've found peace just accepting that IF and TTC really is close-to-all-consuming and just going with it, if that makes sense. Letting myself feel the feelings and trying my best to love my husband! Exercise sounds like a great idea too =)

    I like Stephanie's yard sale idea for adoption fundraising! My husband is very frugal (he loves Dave Ramsey) but he's okay with adoption, I think because being parents is an even bigger goal for us than saving money. At the same time, I don't think we'd go into debt to adopt (that doesn't seem like a good long-term decision) and I do think we would ask for help from family and friends because it's a pretty good cause! =) Just taking little steps has helped us - even just putting $100 a month in our "adoption fund" gives us some joy and peace.

    1. It is a bummer, but the good news is, I am officially DONE...no more awkward Zombily interactions, I'm so glad!!

      Your suggestions are great, and I totally understand what you mean about "accepting that IF and TTC is all-consuming"...I do think that is an important part of it, acceptance. I'm working on it :)

      And yes fund-raising for adoption is daunting. That's great that you and your husband are on the same page, I pray that me and mine will be shortly! I know that God is working on his heart, I just need to be...dun dun dun...PATIENT (the hardest thing EVER)!!

  4. I totally know the feeling of eyes glazing over at family gathering when everything is centered on babies. sounds like kind of a rough Easter. that workout DVD sounds beautiful, I will have to look into it! I think the price of adoption was one of my biggest fears too, but if that's the only way I can be a mom, but I think its worth it! we have been saving saving for the past two years, and also planning to do some fundraising.

    1. Sorry that you can relate to this Mary Beth, it's not a great feeling. But most of them do not know our situation, so it's understandable that they would discuss all things 'baby.' You should definitely try SoulCore!! And I will be very interested to talk fundraising ideas with you come June!!

  5. I think one of the toughest things for me is not being bitter about the cost, since i feel Like its not fair after all our IF expenses, and trying to save for a house. I guess its important in helping me be detached.


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