Here we are, in the third trimester!!! Whaaaaaat?!?! Just crazy. I am feeling it though, so that part is not so crazy. Only 10-11 weeks until baby. Okay, BACK TO CRAZY. I can't believe we will have a new little squishy baby so soon. I am so, so, so excited.
Not a ton going on these last few weeks. The weather has been all over the place, from 60s to snow and back again. We are ready for real spring, though I know that will mean more outside time and running around for me...sigh. Still, the kids need it! It has been SUPER WINTER in this COVID world, and we are all dying for some fresh air!
Outside without coats! Free at last!
Some cute pre-spring photos of my gang!
Look at that cheese!
Silly girl.
Cuddling up for our Friday night movie! I will miss these cuddles with my baby when she's no longer "the baby"!!!
Walking to school without coats!
Still trying to adventure when we can!
These two are precious together.
Dino Kiki!
Celebrating St. Patty's day!
"This is my surprised face."
The park! Finally!
Annnnnnd back to snow. Womp womp.
My lucky charms!
Made some homemade english muffins this week and felt very accomplished!
Played in forts!
And that about sums it up! Lila is SO CLOSE to walking and took her "first step" last week, but still chooses to crawl (or be carried) everywhere. I am dying for a break-through, because my back can't take it anymore! I know we're close, though. I am continuing to get bigger and slower, compounded by this crazy weather and a crazy schedule of entertaining these munchkins. Next week is spring break and I can't decide if it will be easier and harder with no school to break things up. I guess we'll find out! I have my 28-week appt. and glucose test tomorrow, and my big 30-week MFM ultrasound on the 30th. Then we will have baby's birthday scheduled!!! YAY! Until then, Tim and I are going downtown tomorrow night to celebrate TEN years of being together. WOWOWOW. We are so excited!
Onto some bumps!
Pre-bedtime bump!
...andddd hello third trimester. Truly gigantic!
How far along? 28+1!
Clothing? Not much is cute or flattering these days. Had a heck of a time choosing an outfit for dinner tomorrow night. Hopefully I like it when I'm ready to put it on, haha!
Stretch marks? Yep.
Sleep? Staying up way too late binging reality TV with my husband...so, my bad.
Best moment of this week? St. Patty's day was a blast! Leprechaun traps, green milk and pancakes, green river...the girls loved every minute of it, which made it fun for everyone!
Worst moment of this week? I got some really nasty vertigo out of the blue last night that was so bad I had to lie down. And now just antsy that it will happen again. Hopefully a one-time thing!
Miss anything? A beer on St. Patty's day, for sure!
Movement? So much, so fun, I LOVE THIS PART!
Symptoms? Pretty much every night heart burn, weight gain, major back pain if I "overdo it" (i.e. do normal stuff), super sore boobs, sore lower back, vertigo, some headaches, next level tired and even daytime napping a little...definitely feel that third tri shift!
Food cravings? I actually craved fruit this week, watermelon and apples! Finally, haha!
Gender? I still feel like maybe...what if this is a boy?!
Labor Signs? Nah.
Belly button in or out? Outie.
Wedding rings on or off? Fingers very swollen all of the sudden, but rings still on!
Mood? Excited. So happy. Content. Trying NOT to think about my impending c-section, which is the only thing that makes me freak out these days!
Looking forward to? Getting my house cleaned tomorrow! An awesome night downtown with Tim tomorrow night! My 28-week appt! My 30-week ultrasound! Easter! BABY!!!!!!!!!!
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