34 Weeks and BRAIN IS SOUP!

1:54 PM
**This is a pregnancy-related post, so please feel free to skip this post if you're not up for it. God bless.**

AHHHHHHHHHHHH! For the sake of my sanity, I will keep this short, sweet, and picture-ful (yes, it's a word today)!

I am losing my mind. No, seriously. I can practically feel the brain soup oozing out of my ears. Lovely visual, right?!

The short story is that work has been ridiculous and hectic in a completely ludicrous way, and it is sapping all of my energy and brain power at the moment. The long story is...well, long.

So without further ado, 34 WEEKS Y'ALL!

First order of business...my fat fingers can no longer fit my beloved wedding rings! BOOO! This doesn't look like a wedding ring at all (and I know that because I've gotten several dirty looks from old ladies when they look from the ring to the bump), but it's one of my favorite rings, so I'm wearing it. At least it's the same shape as my engagement ring! 

THIS IS WHAT THE STUPID NURSERY LOOKED LIKE BEFORE I WENT CRAZY AND PAINTED ON SUNDAY...(see wall on right, ignore painter's tape and focus on the ridiculous purple stripes!)

...and here is the beginning of the magical transformation...

....SO MUCH BETTER, RIGHT?!?!?!....

...ahhhh, I can sleep again! Seriously, those purple stripes were haunting my dreams! I think this looks 1000% better and I can't wait to finish decorating. 


34 weeks and the belly is in FULL FORCE!

How far along?  34 weeks…baby is about 19 inches long and anywhere from 4.5-6 pounds!! WOAH BABY!
Clothing? LIMITED but shameless :)
Stretch marks? Still holdin’ on…
Sleep? Still having trouble with the sinuses, and just general belly soreness. Right now I sleep with three pillows, a throw pillow between my legs, a body pillow wrapped around me, and a towel shoved under my belly. So...yeah.
Best moment of this week? Fixing up the nursery! And hearing baby's heartbeat at the appt., obviously!!!
Worst moment of this week? Physically really uncomfortable, oh well!
Miss anything? There is nothing that I can’t live without until January!
Movement? Yes! Lots of movement and I will admit that, FINALLY, some of it hurts! But that's okay! Do you remember me BEGGING for that a few months ago?!
Symptoms? Sinuses, very achy  hips and pelvis,  breast tenderness, increased hunger (and with it, increased fatness), Charlie horses at night, upper/lower linea nigra, weak legs, pregnancy brain, sciatica, and fat swollen (and sore!) fingers! OH, and near constant hot flashes!!! Seriously, it's like being on Clomid all over again...what the heck?!
Food cravings? JUICE! AND SODA! So bad for me. But seriously, I was in Mass on Monday night and suddenly I wanted a soda so badly I thought I might cry. I don't even like soda!!
Gender? Oh man...still thinking girl, but really second-guessing myself these days.
Labor Signs? Nope, though the Braxton Hicks are kickin’ up a notch.
Belly button in or out? OUT .
Mood? Grumpy when I’m sore/trying to sleep, but so happy most of the time!
Rituals? Nighttime lullaby, holy water on the belly in the morning, holy oil on the belly at night. Routine bedtime chats. And a few playful poke fests to watch the baby squirm around in my belly!
Milestones? I am TWO WEEKS AWAY from my first internal exam, which means, WOAH I AM SOOOO CLOSE TO HAVING THIS BABY! (not that I'm excited about my internal, but, ya know, just crazy stuff!)
Looking forward to? My 36-week appointment on December 22, 4 weeks and counting until my leave, CHRISTMAS, NEW YEAR’S, and my other two BABY SHOWERS!!! One of which is this weekend!
This week's pregnancy-small-talk-gems (aka things other people say to pregnant ladies without thinking): Hmmm...can't think of anything! Knock on wood?
Notes from doctor’s appointment: Baby's HB was 144 and she was SQUIRMING during the doppler reading. No protein in my urine, good BP, but a 5.5 lb weight gain in between appointments...I was NOT happy, but the doctor said he thinks I am just retaining water. Charming

Until next time!!!!!!!!!!


  1. 34 weeks and painting? You go girl!!! Your bump is super cute! Oh, I was going to tell you because you are having a baby fairly close to Christmas (well, I mean you are full term right around Christmas, right)…anyway, there is a really cute book called "Waiting for Noel" and it is about a family who is expecting a baby around Christmas and she is born on Christmas. I loved the book because of my own Christmas time baby and it showed all of the seasons - Spring (1st trimester), Summer (2nd trimester), and fall (3rd trimester) that I was pregnant with Elizabeth. I love reading it to her and brings back lots of memories of my own pregnancy with her. They have it on Amazon if you are interested. Just thought I would pass along a book recommendation.

    Oh and internal exams…seriously, I almost thought you were excited for them…thanks for the clarification. Ugh…but hey, it just means you are getting closer to having the baby…so yeah, great attitude.

    God Bless and you are in my prayers! -Marie

    1. Ha I am trying to keep moving, but in all honesty it is the NESTING that has taken over my brain!!! I love your book idea, it would be a perfect stocking stuffer for baby...thank you for sharing!!

      And def NOT excited for the internal exam itself, just excited for what that means in terms of how close I am. Glad I clarified too, don't want you all to think I'm a big weirdo!

      God bless you and your family as well, and thank you SO MUCH for the prayers!

  2. Love the nursery! If your rings all of a sudden don't fit you can almost bet it's water weight! You are getting so close! I can't wait to hear gender and name and blog meet that little baby!!

    1. Thank you!! SO much better than the random purple, right?! Ugh, the rings...I really thought it wouldn't happen to me, I've always had skinny fingers (my weddings rings are a size 4!) but nevertheless here I am! I can't wait to blog-introduce you to the little one SO SOON!!

  3. I really appreciated the Clomid reference in this post! :) Nursery is looking super adorable. Love the minty green color and the white accents.

    1. HA, I thought you might! But seriously, aren't those hot flashes the worst?! Thanks for the nursery love! Much better than the terrible purple, and at least it was a little cardio for this lazy mama, haha!

  4. I love YOUR stripes. Wonder who thought the purple was a good idea?

    1. Thank you! I know, isn't it strange?! When we went to paint over it, we realized that the stripes weren't straight OR level...maybe a few cocktails were involved in that decision?!

  5. The nursery looks great! And so do you, really. You're glowing. :)

    On internal exams....you don't have to have one if you don't want it. Studies have proven that dilation/effacement in the last weeks of pregnancy is no indicator of when labor will start or how long it will last. The exam is just needless discomfort so the doctor can fill in the space on her chart. Your cervix, your choice. :P
    I haven't had one except for in labor since my first pregnancy, though I did learn how to check myself and occasionally I'll do that...I monitored myself all through labor with my third and brought myself to the hospital just when I was ready, at 9cm.

    I am getting so excited for you to meet your baby!

    1. Thank you so much! Seriously, your compliment made my day. Anyone who starts with "you're glowing" instead of "WOAH" these days is basically my best friend...but honestly, thank you :)

      You're right about the internal exams, and maybe if they start to bum me out (i.e. I'm dilated but not going into labor any time soon) I will start to turn them down. I guess my curious mind is just interested to see if my body is AT ALL ready for this baby, even hypothetically! That's so impressive that you were able to check yourself!

      I am SO EXCITED, too!!! :)

  6. Good Luck Mama !! For the record, I'm guessing boy.. sorry, for all the little girl dreams & feelings.. just a hunch. Either way, he/she will warm your heart.


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