30 Weeks and a Quickie!

Hey guys! My regular every-two-week doctor's appointment has been pushed back this morning due to an emergency surgery (not mine, thank goodness), so I'm crankin' this update out as quickly as possible. Because I know you can't go a week without hearing about me and my big bump, right?! Ha! Let's be honest, these posts are mostly so that I can remember each and every moment of this pregnancy...but still, I appreciate being humored.

As a reward for your faithful readership, check out these "maternity pics" that my mom snapped this weekend! I/we are too dorky to do a professional photo shoot, so this is the best we could do. Enjoy!

This captures the real spirit of the photo shoot.

Even though my last name is long and Polish, this is still an Irish baby, too!

I sure love this guy.

Dorky, but had to include a classic.

So excited to be mom and dad!

All right, I think that suffices as a bump photo(s), don't you?! On to the short-and-sweet.

How far along?  30 weeks...as in, three-oh! WOAH BABY! Peanut is 16.5 inches long and the size of a big fat melon...holy smokes.
Clothing? Basically rotating the same 5-6 outfits over and over again. It will be great to get into my brand new dress for my baby shower in a few weeks!
Stretch marks? I don't think so, but again, super veiny. Glamorous.
Sleep? Definitely getting harder. I'm not getting up for potty breaks as often as I was before, but when I do get up, it takes a good 30 seconds or more!
Best moment of this week? We got SO MUCH DONE this weekend--even though our real nursery will not be done until late spring, out interim nursery is organized and ready for baby (you know, minus all of the great stuff we are hoping to get at our baby showers)! And maternity pictures! And a wonderful date night on Friday with T! And childbirth class and breastfeeding class this past week, so much knowledge!!! Life is sweet :)
Worst moment of this week? In a deep-cleansing frenzy this weekend, I majorly hurt my back. Had to stay home from work on Monday and felt like an old lady! Other than that, can't really complain!
Miss anything? There is nothing that I can’t live without until January!
Movement? YES! She was kinda quiet on Monday (probably because I was in bed all day), but yesterday she had the hiccups THREE SEPARATE TIMES! What a silly goose!
Symptoms? Definitely slowing down. Achy ribs, indigestion/heartburn, uncomfortable fullness after meals, very sore back, Charlie horses, trouble with sinuses (especially at night), upper/lower linea nigra, weak legs, and here's a new one...HORRIBLE taste in my mouth, not metallic but more like sour/bitter. I didn't know this could happen in the third trimester, anyone have any ideas on what this is about?! I'm planning on asking my doc today but YUCK, it's gross!
Food cravings? Coconut water, mac and cheese, CHOCOLATE.
Gender? A cab driver told me yesterday that I am 'DEFINITELY HAVING A GIRL.' Won't everyone feel silly at this point if we have a little prince on our hands!?
Labor Signs? Nope.
Belly button in or out? OUTIE-CITY.
Mood? Sore, which makes me kinda weepy (pitiful). But also very happy, and very excited!!!
Rituals? Nighttime lullaby, holy water on the belly in the morning, holy oil on the belly at night. Routine bedtime chats. And a few playful poke fests to watch the baby squirm around in my belly!
Milestones? Being in the 30's!!! WHAT?!?! Also, a mere 10 weeks left until baby's birthday...next week, we will be in the SINGLE DIGITS!!! 
Looking forward to? EVERY SINGLE THING from now until baby's birthday! My three baby showers, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year's, and EVERYTHING BABY-RELATED!!! Oh, and my appointment in...20ish minutes :)
This week's pregnancy-small-talk-gems (aka things other people say to pregnant ladies without thinking): Well, it finally happened. I got my first "wow, looks like you're gettin' close!" comment from a stranger. Thank you sir, but I still have 10 weeks left. An innocent mistake (yes, I'm huge), but still, let's think before we speak people.

That's all for now...have an awesome week!


  1. OOoh how exciting.. you are in the home stretch !

  2. I can't believe you're only 10 weeks away!! Girl or boy I can tell it is going to be one loved and blessed little baby. (And both are fun!)


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