10 Weeks and POPPIN'

10:17 AM
**This is a pregnancy-related post, so please feel free to skip this post if you're not up for it. I do not want anyone to feel unnecessarily sad or hurt, as I completely and 100% understand how that feels. God bless.**

10 weeks y'all. I can hardly believe it. It has been almost TWO WEEKS since my last doctor's appointment, and that is just too long to make a crazy lady wait. I still have a little less than two weeks to go...July 7 can't come soon enough!!!!!! I hope and pray that I will hear the beautiful sound I have been waiting to hear for so long...the quick thump-thump-thump of my precious peanut's heart.

It's been a great week. The nausea has mostly subsided (that was fast!) though it does creep up on me every once in awhile. But in general, I've been pretty functional. Letting this miracle sink in a bit more with each day. And leaning on God when I get scared, because, well, I'm a silly human after all.

Last night I went out for Thai food with my dad, and MAN did it hit the spot! Not only did we have a great time, but look what else we found...

Before you get TOO excited, I can't say that it tastes like the 'real deal.' BUT, if you are craving some vino or even need a drink to fool your friends (I've done this once or twice, sorry guys!), this would definitely do the trick. There's no 'finish' to it, as my Dad says...like, the first part of the sip is convincing, but the after-taste is kind of a let-down. Still, we temporary-tee-totalers need some options. And this is a good one!

Onto the nitty gritty...

10 weeks, and POPPIN'. Hence my title. Last night was the first time I looked in the mirror and thought FOR SURE "Woah, something's going on in there." An amazing feeling!!!

How far along? 10 weeks! Baby is the size of a kumquat. I have never seen nor eaten a kumquat. Hmm.
Clothing? It's gettin real up in here. Things are getting TIGHT and unflattering real quick. I'm sure a lot of  you are like "what, at 10 weeks?! How many donuts are you putting away daily?!" (which, in all fairness, I never say no to a donut). But keep in mind that this is not only my third pregnancy (miss you sweet girls), but I have also had two uterine surgeries in the past year. My doc/the medical boards seem to think that this might cause a gal to blow up quicker than planned. Whatevs. I'll TAKE IT!
Stretch marks? Nope, but I think it's time to invest in some belly butter.
Sleep? Still getting up to pee some nights, and oddly enough I'm starting to have some trouble getting comfy on my hips. They're just achy. I thought I was 26, not 91?!
Best moment of this week? Telling a few more friends and family about peanut, and counting my blessings every single day I can carry this miracle.
Worst moment of this week? Ummm...not a lot is coming to mind, which is pretty great I think! :)
Miss anything? Honestly, right now, I am 100% content (minus my occasional stray fears). I think they call this LOVE.
Movement? Nothing yet, but SO EXCITED for that special day!!!
Symptoms? Occasional fatigue, on-and-off breast tenderness, some lower ab stretching/very mild cramping/RLP, mild nausea (but still no puking), lots of sneezing (is that a thing?), crazy dreams, increased CM, general soreness in my hands/hips/you  name it, CLUMSINESS (I continue to spill water/soda/everything down the front of my shirt...kewl), and a mega bloated stomach which I think we can officially call a "growing belly."
Food cravings? Gummi bear craving from last week: satisfied with not one but TWO bags of gummi bears, woof. This week, loved me some Thai food but could not finish my meal...super odd for me!
Gender? Feeling really strongly that it's a girl, though a friend predicted 'boy' with a lotta confidence this week.
Labor Signs? No siree.
Belly button in or out? In!
Wedding rings on or off? On!
Mood? Occasional crankiness, again mostly at T, but in general, happy happy happy!!!!
Rituals? Nighttime lullaby, holy water on the belly in the morning, holy oil on the belly at night. And staring at the ultrasound picture on our fridge as often as I can!!!!!
Looking forward to? JULY 7TH, you sly devil, please hurry up and get here!!! Only 12 more sleeps!!!!

Enjoy your week lovely ladies.


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